May 31-DBC youth harvest picnic
June 14-GFFC promotion picnic.
We're not just your ordinary youth group, Were doing it BIG! We've been growing, saving souls, and inspiring the adults to look at us now as a stronger youth. We all have our own storys to tell each one with Gods grace in our lifes. Its a ongoing procces on our development but were running smoothly. Doing everything for GOD. We're all growing stronger and its nice to see that God is so good in our lifes. looking back on this youth and how we grown so much its like God has a plan for us, Somthing BIG. now im not going to bragg about how blessed we are because we still have our daily struggles. if you want to tell us anything or need someone to talk to were here for you.Main Cell Leaders/ Location of this week
Mark balancio, Kristin fadrigo, Viet Le - COOL YOUNG TEENS @ Balancio's Residents
OTHERmembers; ABCorder by last name, got it? so don't cry
Lala Baiza
Mark Balancio
Paolo Bilbao
Chrishel Divinigracia
Jeff Fadrigo
Kristine Fadrigo
Marvin Fojas
Alyssa Fumar
Viet Le
Rolando Marroquin
Lani Millhouse
Josh Schmidt
Kevin Tran
Karen Ubaldo
DBCyouth's other friends