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1) FATWA Saudi council of Muftis have given an unanimous Fatwa that ring tones on QURAAN AYAAT are haraam because the AYAAT are not complete when we pick the phone & meanings of AYAAT changes when they are not complete. QURAN is for Hidayat and not for ring tones, Please inform others. KINDLY PASS THIS MESSAGE TO OTHER MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTERS AS WELL 2. BE ADVISE: Don't say 'Mosque' Always say ' Masjid' Because Islam organization has found thats mosque = Mosquitoes. Don't write ' Mecca ' Write always correctly ' Makkah' Because Mecca = house of Wines . Don't write ' Mohd' Always write completely as ' Muhammad' Becasue Mohd = the Dog with big mouth. Forward it as many Muslims as you!! Please don't break o putuskan mail ni...keep on fowarding to ur friend insyallah aminkan doa kita ini. we make a doa' for our suffering Muslims ummah in Palestine , Afghanistan , Iraq , Chechnya, Kashmirand anywhere else around the globe? If each of us makes a doa' and send this friendly reminder to other muslims, just imagine how much good deed we will receive (without realising so). "Ya Allah, selamatkanlah umat Islam yg sedang sengsara di Palestin, Afghanistan , Iraq , Chechnya serta diseluruh pelosok dunia akibat dari angkara mungkar dan kekejaman musuh musuh Mu. Peliharakanlah mereka, lindungilah mereka, kasihanilah mereka dan berikanlah rahmatMu ke atas mereka" ameen ya Rabbal A'lamin... jgn lupa amalkan qunut nazilah dlm solat... wajib bg kita utk sedare kite tg sedang berperang..!!!


hoi!!!...~CaN CaLL "HaBiB"... ~HoMeToWN "N9/MeLaKa"... ~FaViRouT'S HoBBie'S "LiKe'S ouT WiTH MY FRieNDZ,PLaYZ "GuiTaR KaPoK",DiSTuRB GiRLZ WiTH MY FRieNZ,SLeeP WeLL,FiGHTiNG,oN-LiNe"...~SouNDS MuSiC i LiKe " HeaVY MeTaL,uNDeRGRouND,R&B,TeCHNo,RoCK & MaNY MoRe" ~"oPeN MiNDeD" PeRSoN... ~STaTuS "SiNGLe"...~LiKeZ a "NeW FRieNDZ"...~eaSY To "CLoSe"...~FaVouRiTe FooTBaLL CLuB'S "BaRCaLoNa"~LoVe "SHiN CHaN" a LoT...hohohohohoooo....~DoN'T FoRGeT To "aDD Me" oKaY....
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