Hello,I am Pastor Veryl Howard originally from Washington, DC but NC, the Caribbean and Africa have become home to me. I love the Lord and try my best to be a pleasing Christian to God. I need a little work though but that does not keep me from keeping the Faith. I serve working with national recording gospel artist, play promoters and most importantly with missionary assignments abroad. God has blessed me to be author of "God Hears A Teachers Cry", and my new book to be released in June called "God is My Ticket Out the Ghetto". I serve with such artist as Deitrick & Damita Haddon,Shekinah Glory Ministry,Cynthia Jones, Lucinda Moore, Vashawn Mitchell, Dr. Ron Kenoly, AYIESHA Woods, Sherwin Gardner, Darrel Petties, Wess Morgan, David & Tamela Mann of Tyler Perry's "Meet the Browns" to name a few. But if it was not for God I would not be able to excell in the gospel arena. It was the gospel arena that opened up the door for me to be able to walk in divine destiny which is missionary work for the Lord! THE NATIONS ARE CALLING ME!!!!!More than anything, I enjoy traveling the world and imparting hope into God's sheep who are less fortunate than myself. God has called me to the the global masses as there is a thirsting world that we as disciples must minister to. Therefore with this in mind, much of my time is spent in third world countries trying to spread the Word of God and instill hope. I would have never dreamed that God would have opened the doors for me to travel to more than 50 countries to do his work as a missionary. What a God we serve!You have a divine destiny in you too so tap into God and know that he wants to use you for kingdom building! He will give you the desires of your heart if you just give it all over to him. He will order your steps and take you to heights you could never imagine. Never get discouraged on your dream but trust Jesus and that dream will come to pass. Remember you heard it from me "God Loves You". Check out some of my ministry visits through missionary work in other countries but remember to pray for those less fortunate than you. I have my struggles but when I see the lack of basic things in countries yet we take them for granted tears roll down my eyes. Many are not privy to have lavish churches and a bible to read as we may be. But not driven by the fame they walk miles bearfooted just to get a word form on high! Make sure your walk is one that appreciates the goodness God has allowed to come your way. Keep the work up for the kingdom because those are the accomplishments that matter!If u like to donate money to help us ship med. equip and life supplies to Africa, call us immediately. We need help!
www.thejosephproject.com and email [email protected] attention Maxwell Edusai
Faith Management and African Loom have partnered to raise 10,000 shoes for the country of Ghana, Africa. If you are interested in sending new shoes that will be shipped and presented at this years Joseph Project 2008, please call Maxwell Edusai at 301-229-3820. All donations are tax refundable and needed! Many young children will have the opportunity to walk miles over rocks to school because of your kind gift. We can take for granted the small things that we have such as shoes and even water. Providing a child with new shoes would be a life changing experience for each child.