.LExi. profile picture


~**M0St P30pL3z iiN Ur LyF3 C0M3 AnD g0,,,BuT 0nC3 DaT WuN WaLkS In 2 Ur HeArT...U kn0 ThAt Th3y R T

My Interests

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As you kno i go by the name LEXI. Im 16 until January 10. My favorite colors are orange and blue. Ima person that keeps to herself the majority of the time.I hate drama and fake people... in other words I dont bang with too many females. For me...life can be the greatest at one point THEN hit rock bottom the next. I don't take anything for granite because one day i may not have it or it won't be there. Regreting is another thing i don't do only because everthing in life happens for a reason. In Love? I guess you can say that...sometimes it can be hard,but i will always be faithful. I hate being judged or mistooken for something im not. Well ima stop here... if you wanna kno something i left out a message will be good.