The Domestics profile picture

The Domestics

About Me

Join our email list!During a brief stint as an A&R assistant, Alina Moscovitz (ex-Bionic Finger) spent her days listening to piles of less-than-stellar demos. She decided she could do better, so she left the corporate world and returned to songwriting. She then hooked up with music supervisor and drummer Eric Shaw. They soon lured Evan Silverman (ex-Rosenbergs) away from his jazz bass lessons in Paris and gigs at the Rainbow Room back to the world of rock.
As a trio, The Domestics morphed into a potent combination of blazing pop-punk energy, sickeningly catchy hooks, and lyrics that have a sharp wit and intelligence seldom heard inside of a three-minute song. If Debbie Harry shoved her way onstage during a Green Day show, the result might sound something like this.
Besides constantly playing live shows, the Brooklyn-based band wrote the closing credits song, "Girl I Never Kissed" for the film The D Word, "Anorexic Love Song" appears on the X-Girls DVD and "Fire Hazard" was included in the "Say It Don't Spray It" compilation CD packaged with the Warped Tour DVD. The band has participated in MEANY Fest, International Pop Overthrow and LadyfestEast festivals.
The Domestics are currently recording new tunes with producer Charles Newman (Magnetic Fields) for release in Fall 2006.
"The Domestics' lead singer, Alina Moscovitz, will probably never escape easy comparison to No Doubt's Gwen Stefani, but with jumpy pop-punk tunes like "Anorexic Love Song", Moscovitz makes it clear she's in it for the irony." - Time Out NY

My Interests


Member Since: 14/02/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Alina Moscovitz - vocals, guitar
Evan Silverman - bass, vocals
Eric Shaw - drums, vocals
Influences: Jill Sobule, The Muffs, Green Day, Blondie, Jimmy Eat World, Beastie Boys, The Clash, Dead Kennedys, Fugazi, Kahimi Kari, Portishead, Blink 182, Weezer, Dismemberment Plan, Flaming Lips, Led Zeppelin
Sounds Like: Blondie, Portishead, Green Day, No Doubt, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Beck, The White Stripes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Blur, Radiohead, The Breeders, Ash, Doves, R.E.M, David Bowie, The Pixies, Rilo Kiley, PJ Harvey, The Killers, Fiona Apple, Hole, Dismemberment Plan, Flaming Lips, Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Eat World, My Chemical Romance
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Long Island Raindate & NYC show!

It's August!How did this happen?  I haven't even made it to the beach yet this summer!Thankfully, our rain date for playing an all ages show at Cedar Beach in Long Islandis tomorrow night at 10pm...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 11:08:00 GMT

The new cd is coming, really!

We've been so busy recording and obsessing that the outside world has ceased to exist. But I'm coming out of hibernation to let you know that the new EP is almost done! Charles Newman at Mother West S...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:09:00 GMT

We've started recording!

This weekend was began recording with producer Charles Newman - who produced the Magnetic Fields' awesome 69 Love Songs. The recording is going well, so far. The drums and bass are done. I woke up thi...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 21:46:00 GMT

Name Our Song!

Ok, so we just put up a new live track from a radio show we did at WFMU. We've been calling it "the PJ Harvey Song" because it makes us think of her. But I think the poor little song deserves a name...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 10:14:00 GMT

Come celebrate my birthday!

I'm having a birthday party this Friday, October 28th at the Siberia Bar. It's located at 40th & 9th, there's no sign just a black door with a red light above it. The Domestics will play, and so w...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 14:06:00 GMT

Thoughts on Meanyfest

(Listening to: Ride, "Tarantula") I wanted to be the first Domestic to talk about the show last night, and Evan beat me to it. Bastard. Last night's MeanyFest gig was raucous fun, but went real...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 16:31:00 GMT

Rock and Roll!!

Tonight we played the MEANYFEST, which is a too-long festival/competition thingy in NYC. We planned a thirty minute set, but we rocked so hard that we barely made it to twenty. What an awesome show! &...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 23:09:00 GMT

Acoustic, Schmacoustic

So, we have an acoustic show tomorrow and I'm worried. I'm worried that you guys will think we have been taken over by the same aliens who took over Sting and Norah Jones. You know, the royalty of "a...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Sep 2005 06:09:00 GMT


Ack! My bloggering has been taken over. Is it because I'm so remiss in updating regularly? I can't believe all my bandmates do is watch tv and eat cashews. I'm gonna go learn "Talk Dirty To Me" n...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 15:20:00 GMT

Give the drummer some...

Hey there. It's Eric, the drummer. I guess it's my turn to take a crack at writing my innermost thoughts and feelings about life, music, and the state of the world into our collective band diary for...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 12:37:00 GMT