About Me
Okay, so, about myself...Well, I don't fit any mold of any kind, and I love it that way.I deliberately ignore trends because I feel like they alter who I can really be. I think it's hard to figure out who you are if you let yourself be distracted by who everyone else is.I'm learning to avoid unnecessary possesions, because 1) they lessen the value of what you already own, 2) I have everything I need, 3) if I need something else I'm pretty confident God will make sure it shows up, 4) I have no where to put them, and 5) greed is a monster you can only kill by starving it.On the other hand, I love big earrings, long scarves, and vintage corduroy jackets. A chance to wear all three at once is a good day. Finding any of the above at a thrift store for two dollars is an equally good day.I love all kinds of music - really! I can't think of a singe genre I'm willing to write off completely. Music is such awesome stuff, and all of it represents someone's heart, be it broken or healed, sad or euphoric, resolute or confused. I love how a familiar feeling can be evoked from a very unfamiliar voice, and how much you can learn from something that doesn't always have words.I love to make music, and to study music, and to write music, and I feel blessed beyond measure to have the ability to do these things.I love confidence and despise arrogance, both in myself and others. The only thing uglier that arrogance is to watch someone with a gift hide it away, talk it down, and neglect it. I've been guilty on both counts, I'm afraid.I don't believe that following Jesus and being a Christian are the same thing. Condemnation is not my job. Loving whoever's next to me no matter who they are, how they live, what they look like, or what they're doing, and showing them kindness, compassion, and friendship is my job.I love the people in my life who push me, and challenge me, and tell me when I'm being kinda dumb. Or really really dumb. People who do that for you are the truest friends, and beautiful beyond description.I love making art - I draw a lot of silly things, and they're all precious to me. I make no apology for the random absurdity of the things that show up on the paper in front of me. I love watercolor - so awesomely messy, like a car-sick rainbow - and I'm doing my best to figure out clay. There's something visceral about molding goop and grit into something lovely. We're MADE of clay, you know.I chronically overuse the words "yikes", "awesome", and "oy", and the expressions "get out" (instead of "no kidding" or something), and "wasted part of my life" when referring to what I percieve to be inappropriate wait times.I have an incredible husband who is not perfect, and as a result, I wouldn't change a thing. He would be a lousy match for me if he were. We're not "perfect for each other" and we sure don't complete each other. We're still flawed and needy, and we still fall all the time, but we are ideally made to catch each other. We know each other, and we'd give anything for each other, and we love each other, and enjoy the beauty of the mess the whole way.I've learned to enjoy not knowing what's next, and not being sure how the next bit of my life will pan out. If you just go with it, and take it as it comes, and enjoy the freefall that it human existance, two things happen. You don't have as many opportunities to mess things up, and God has an opporotunity to unfold some exquisite things in your life with out your interference.