~Cheree~ profile picture


Life is awesome when you're married to your best friend. :)

About Me

Hi! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I've been happily married to the love of my life Todd for 19 years now. We started dating in 1984 and have been inseperable ever since! We share everything in life together and are truly blessed to have each other as best friends. This past summer, we added a furbaby to our family! His name is Dakota Bear and he's our pride and joy. :) I have Multiple Sclerosis or MS...but by no means does it have me! :D I'd love to meet others who have MS or a chronic illness that would like to have a friend who understands the daily difficulties of coping and keeping a positive attitude! I have my good days and not-so-good days, but I make the most of each one...that's what LIVING is all about, right? :D I'm also a stay-at-home wife (non-paid, but the perks are great!) and enjoy crafting, sewing, scrapbooking, dried-flower arranging, tole painting, woodworking, writing novels/short stories, baking, cooking homestyle and gourmet, entertaining, surfing the net and hanging out with friends as often as I can!I'm with WW...Weight Watchers! It's been a life-long struggle and I'd love to meet more friends who are sharing the same daily challenges with weight loss. In fact, Todd was a very BRAVE husband and bought me The Biggest Loser Guide this Christmas (YES...it was on my list!), and I'm so glad he did! I want this to be the year that my MS gives me a break and I lose at least 50 pounds. Todd's going to be eating healthier with me and we'll both be working out, but the more the merrier people!!! So hit me up if you want a weight loss buddy! :)Todd - to answer your question, yes I'll marry you again on our 20th anniversary! I love you babe...I truly do! :D

My Interests

Spending time with my hubby, Todd is what I most look forward to each day! :) I love the mountains, traveling cross-country, heading down a country road and not knowing where it might lead, traveling to Europe, Hawaii, Canada, Alaska and other exciting destinations, reading a good book that ya just can't put down, date night with my hubby, long walks, quiet candlelight dinners, weekend getaways to a B&B, staying in a beachfront cottage and watching sailboats go by, listening to good acoustical music that speaks to your heart, traveling to outdoor festivals & renaissance fairs, wine tastings...yummy!, browsing antique stores for that one incredible find, fishing on our pontoon boat and spending every waking moment on the lake, stargazing and watching meteor showers, visiting national parks, what I call "Luxury Camping" - having all the comforts of home but in an outdoor setting!, day trips to museums and cultural centers (loved that about traveling to Europe!), taking tours of historic landmarks such as Hearst Castle and Winchester Mystery House...hope to go to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville in 2008! I enjoy quilting, scrapbooking, cooking homestyle and gourmet food, baking, cake decorating, canning fruits & veggies, sewing, tole painting, woodworking, papercrafts, dried flower arranging, pouring candles, (ya know, I'd love to try my hand at pottery too!), creating potpourri, collecting teddy bears, amateur photography, shooting at the target range and in our mountains, riding mountain bikes, I'm a HUGE NASCAR FAN...GO JIMMIE JOHNSON!!!, and having friends and family visit at our place for the weekend. Oh, and did I mention that I love bears??? :D

I'd like to meet:

Todd, I'd love to meet the person who gives out the lottery checks too! lol Can you hurry up and make that happen please? ;)I'd like to meet people who share my hobbies and interests! I've already met some incredible people here and would love to add to my Friends List! :D


I LOVE LOVE LOVE TO SING!!! Um...did I mention that I LOVE to sing? lol In the car, the shower, pretty much anywhere - any time! :) I like so many kinds of music, it's difficult to narrow it down! Here are a few of my favorites: I enjoy Country, Acoustic Folk, 80's Rock, 80's Club Dance Music, Easy Instrumentals, Today's Hits (STAR 98.7), Pop, Jazz, Light Classical, Christian and Celtic music. Favorite artists are Rascal Flatts, Reba, Garth, Carrie Underwood, Josh Gracin, Alison Krauss, Journey, Chicago, Nickel Creek, Daughtry, Colbie Caillat, Corinne Bailey Rae, Chris Rice, Josh Groban, John Mayer, James Taylor, Carly Simon, Michael McDonald, Celine Dion, Barbra Streisand, Diana Krall, Luther Vandross, Celtic Women. My tastes are very ecclectic, but I guess that's because I enjoy listening to ANY music that speaks to my heart, brings a smile to my face and makes my soul sing!!! :)


The entire Harry Potter Series, Everything DISNEY!!!, National Treasure, The Day After Tomorrow, Practical Magic, Contact, A.I., Bicentennial Man, The Notebook, Snow Dogs, Lethal Weapon Series, Indiana Jones Series, Sixth Sense, Narnia, Nanny McPhee, A Christmas Story, Scrooged, Sister Act 2, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, Anne of Green Gables, How to Make an American Quilt, The Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Family Stone, Independence Day, The Core, Armageddon, The Other Sister, Rudy, RENT, Night at the Museum, CARS...to name a few!


Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Medium, The Unit, Jericho, Deadliest Catch, Ice Road Truckers, Platinum Weddings, MythBusters, The Biggest Loser, American Idol, Girls Next Door (Lynne made me LOVE this show!), SciFi - Eureka, Extreme Makeover - Home Edition, Ghost Whisperer, HBO - Big Love & Autopsy Specials, Dr. G - Medical Examiner, Antiques Road Show, History Detectives, Discovery Channel, HGTV, Fine Living, TLC, FoodTV (Paula, Rachel, Ina, Giada and all the gang!), Dinner Impossible, PBS - awesome programming!


Bible, Every Children's Disney book ever written!, All Fairytale Books, Harry Potter Series - what are we going to do when Book 7 comes and there's nothing left?!...I've already read them over and over! lol Left Behind Series, Mitford Series, Da Vinci Code, Memoirs of a Geisha, Tuesdays with Morrie are some favorite reads. I've been devouring books since I was little and grabbed the National Geographic and Readers' Digest the minute the mailman delivered it, as well as all types of Interesting Facts books. I always have several books and magazines going at one time! lol My tastes are eclectic, but I enjoy most anything that draws me in and keeps me so enthralled that I can't put it down! :)


Stuff for your blog!

My hubby, Todd...he is my heart and soul, the love of my life! 143 babe :) My parents - I am so incredibly blessed to have them in my life; my sister Debbie (the perfect Mom!); my favorite Sunday School teacher - Betty Casebeer (a true angel on earth!); Grandma Evelyn - the epitome of a true Christian woman; Jacob Field - who was and always will be our favorite Lil Warrior; those who struggle daily with illness; people who are persecuted for their faith; Teachers who mold and shape the future of our children; those in our armed forces (particularly my nephew 1SG Leon Johnson, recently returned from Baghdad, Iraq...YAY! Currently stationed at Tripler Army Base on Oahu, HI) who put themselves in harms way daily to protect our freedoms, and their families who endure loneliness and fear while they are away. GO ARMY! HOOAH!!!

My Blog

Life is so precious...

In one single, unexpected moment...life can slip away from you.  I can't stop thinking about that.  When Todd went into Urgent Care that day in May, we thought he might be having an asthma a...
Posted by ~Cheree~ on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 01:36:00 PST

Im in the MS Walk 2008 - Will You Support Me?

Hi!  Todd & I are signed up for the MS Walk 2008 and I'm looking for support.  It doesn't have to be in the form of a donation, although that would be great!  :)  I'm going to ...
Posted by ~Cheree~ on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:58:00 PST

How about some "Feel Good" thoughts to brighten your day? :)

NATURAL HIGHS...Things that make you feel good when you need them the most!  J     Falling in love& Laughing so hard your face hurts& A hot shower& No lines at the supermarket& A spe...
Posted by ~Cheree~ on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:47:00 PST

What matters most...

Todd & I have been spending the weekend getting to know Dakota.  Tonight, we put on a movie in our bedroom and watched him fall asleep between us, moving his paws running around in a puppy dr...
Posted by ~Cheree~ on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 03:14:00 PST