Financial Wealth, Sustaining Solid Friendships, Being The Best Mother Possible, and Obtaining My Masters! I got it!
Nobody Special! I know some of the badest women and men out here so I'm good, believe that.
Any music that provokes the emotion that I am feeling at the moment, I love music that has meaning and substance. You know like Frankie Beverly and Maze, Earth Wind & Fire, Chaka Khan, Average White Band,and Phyillis Hyman! It's unfortunate that music is in a state of flux right now but it's just a sign of the times. As soon as the world knows about Nevaluze things will turn around!
Favorite Movie: Love Jones
Intervention First 48 Kimora Lee Simmons- Life in the fab lane MTV Jams Basically Reality TV; I'm hooked.
My mother, father and can't forget me cuz I'm a RIDER. Oh! my baby...JASIR TAVARES JOHNSON, the only person I know who is forgiving and loves unconditionally. And anyone who has sense enough to learn from his or her mistakes and doesn't care what others think of them. Also, those who live within their means, and strive for better each day.