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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well about me! most people know i have a simple way of living my life! Meaning i truely try to live my life accordingly. My views are based on a Christian life style I'm a true beleiver in walking by faith not by site! It is an honest way of living! Everybody makes mistakes but do they really learn from them, well i've experienced many eye openers that just made my faith stronger! I'm definately not a follower of all the worldly ways that everyone else seems to base their lives around. I could care less at all the negative drama and publicity that people of today seem to revolve around (like all the hollywood drama) Holly wood glamour does not make my world go round! I create my own glamour, i am who i am, i like what i like and i have all my own ideas and inner thoughts and opinions! The only person i envy and follow is the lord! I don't need the latest trend on the market to make my day complete! I love spending time with my family, they are number one. I come from a very large family and wouldn't want it any other way. I love being outdoors,I grew up that way. I love camping, hiking, kyaking, playing tennis, anything that requires fitness. I'm grateful for being blessed with such a wonderful and supportive family. I have many other interests,sucha as MAC MAKEUP! I love fixing faces and beautifying friends and family, I love all the colors mac has to offer my thoughts on makeup is it should never be a hassle to put on a pretty face we all have flaws but makeup is the magic that enhances one beauty! I just love cultural art! I love interior decorating it's one of my favorite hobbies! Home is where the heart is right! My favorite place to be since I was little is the ocean. I could live on the beach! I love last minute decisions, like rides to SF just any last minute get-aways such as the mountains or trips 2 Monterey( that's a special one for hubby and I)I am me! I have many hobbies that keep me positive and focused. I am the person god chose me to be! You should be too

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