check out the Justice video below
PETS: Luna - of the dog species; Darwin- of the gerbil/Mac species; Booboo and Mama Kat- of the feline bobcat species; Sir Eggroll- of the plant species (he passed away) Please note how there is no more NELLY
REFRESHED: back from my September misadventure in NYC = tooooo much fun, little embarassment, lots of blisters, Toronto (stuffed with illegal fruit), boxes of Count Chocula Cereal, whipping myself into a frenzy, awesome friends, and dirty laundry.
JETZT: time to get romantical with Luna, many extended road trips, tour with Tegan and Sara, more New Orleans, last final days of the beach, shooting stars, freelance jobs, renovating my place, and a dabble in Europe (visit family/friends/grad schools), chit chat with George, and forever dancing into diamonds.
urban trenchcoating...in high heels
Agog with expectation, Stella opened her package and found not the golden raiment of a queen or a princess, but the drab uniform of a cook. She wept for the rest of the day.
--William Weaver, "Almost Irresistible Stella"