THE 1 4 EVA STONED... profile picture


'dont rip jews.... they no jewjitsu.'

About Me

hi peps its me, and no im nt 68 im acctualy 14, contary to to the fact that most peps think im ten... i guess thats because my balls hve not droped. joke people!!! they have realy, wait... yes they have no worrys :P um yer well im a alrite guy if u wanna no me. ul probly think im like a cunt or a dick if u dont no me but thats ok i think u r 2 :D im strait i dont no if im camp i think i can be a little bit now and agian. but i ant gay. i dont mind if u r gay or les or bi so long as u nice, i like u :) rite that was corny so yer if u wanna no me coment me or add me on msn im '[email protected]' so yer comment me an ill comment u bak as long as u dont insult me then ill just.......... KILL YOU!!!!!!!! :)have a nice day:)

My Interests

ann summers kinky undeys oooooooooo the sweet satisfaction of trying them on when no 1 is looking...


im a bit of an all rounder ill listen to any thing apart from emo crap that drownes on about how his love dumped him and how he wants to die. its like, dude get a dildo!


best romance bi far is non of them in fact im gonna kill all da directors... SHUT UP U CANT STOP ME!


well at the moment it has to be robin hood havent missed 1 so far!!!!!!!


sports layout @ HOT

About You
full name rory wilton
nicknames o god dnt get me started razz just razz
birthdate 22/1/92
location mi house
height shot but not rili short
hair color brown/ginge
eye color blu
siblings 1 gay older sis
pets 2 gay dogs
worst fear im not scard of any thing coz im hard!:D
color red
movie duno i love films!!!
artist/band alkaline trio or 3 doors down
songs duno
tv show the real hustle
place to shop derby
subject in school maths coz the teacher has no grip!!!!!!
smell weed
food pizza
Have You Ever?
made a prank call? yer
lied? yer
snuck out of the house? yer
skipped school? yer
ran away? yer
broken the law? yer
done something embarrassing? yer
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yer
wanted someone you knew you couldnt have? yer
been to a concert? yer
been kissed? yer
kissed someone? yer
been in love? nah
cheated on someone? nah
been cheated on? nah
had a hard time getting over someone? nah
Do You?
color your hair? yer
have any tattoos? nah
have any piercings? yer mi ear but it sealed up
have any bad habits? wank 2 much
wish you were someone else? who doesent?
play an instrument? nah
wear cologne/perfume? yer
own a thong? nah
would you like to kiss? your mum
makes you laugh? bell
makes you smile? charli
do you tell everything to? dad
has a crush on you? ??????????
can make you feel better no matter what? wank.
More About You
what song makes you cry? three doors down-be like that
what song makes you happy? wierd al yankovitch-wigger
what makes you happy? wank.
do you wish on stars? no coz thats gay.
When Was The Last Time You...?
drank alcohol? yesterday
smoked? wont tell
kissed someone? ages ago
went to the mall? 2 weeks ago
were on stage? cant rememba
cut your hair? month ago @ least
stole something? duno
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bell=id say he was mi fellow fuck up and partner in bullyin every 1, we piss around in all lesons hes probly the funnyest guy in the world apart from me of coarse :P o and bell CUT UR FUCKIN HAIR U MOPdan = dan is a bit of a legend coz we piss off miss colins in English so much that i always get moved how cum he neva gets moved? coz miss colins loves him and h8ts me tut tut its coz im ginger i bet. if dan was a gurl id rape him in a non gay way, every 1 but me and dan no that suprise sex is no laughing mater...laura= mi best gurl m8 coz we always bully each ova and laf at robin and togan in RE shes safe as fuk luv u xxxxxxKelly= we all bully hur and poke hur but we all love hur rily dnt we yerrrrrrrrrrrr she is well kool and she lets us come round and get pissed :S u r truli safe as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx