If You Love Me As Much As I Think You Do Then Add me And we can Chat XD [email protected] I LOVE Mad&&Natt Days in/Nights out/Days Out/Movie days/Days when we dont do anything in college for like 4 hours! I LOVE GYM TIME WHERE WE TAKE THE ENTIER DAY TO DO ANYTHING! I Love BUYING dresses and shoes but shopping is a bitch! I love aimless wandering after college when you dont want to go home but you dont want to stay anywhere perticularly I love girly chats I love boys that are friends... and that dont need to e anymore than that, boys that you would trust with your life! I love singing classic tunes with the girls, mostly lizzie i love my mad little phobias. not being able to touch velvet. needing to put fruit in a plastic bag before i can put it in an actual bag. not being able to look at mould without heaving. singing mad songs to convince myself theres nothing there.tracing circles with my fingers. huggin and kissing all my friends ALOT XD..