I'm a raver! BABY! profile picture

I'm a raver! BABY!

Giz is thizz!!!

About Me

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Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

Hey you can't really describe me, either you know me or you don't, but you can get to know meGENERAL iNFO// + // 001. What is your name? Austin Hill + // 002. Spell your name backwards: lliH nitsuA + // 003. Date of birth: July 22, 1986 + // 004. Male or female? Male + // 005. Astrological sign: Cancer or Leo I’m on the boarder + // 006. Nickname: A10 + // 007. Occupation: none + // 008. Height: 5'9" + // 009. Weight: about 230 lbs? + // 010. Hair color: Blonde + // 011. Eye color: blue + // 012. Where were you born? San Jose + // 013. Where do you reside now: Sunnyvale, CA + // 014. Age: 20 + // 015. Screen names: whiteknght6 + // 016. Are you online often? no + // 017. What does your screen name stand for? The white knight + // 018. What is your diary name? Aus10h + // 019. What does your diary name stand for? my name + // 020. Pets: 1 dog a guinnie pig 2 betta fish and a cat + // 021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake?none + // 022. Piercings? 1 + // 023. Tattoo's? none + // 024. Shoe size? 10 + // 025. Righty or lefty? lefty + //026.Wearing: jeans and a t shirt + // 027. Hearing: a weird buzzing ring + // 028. Feeling: tired + // 029. Eating/drinking: Nothing ______FRiENDS STUFF/ Which one of your friends is the.... + // 030. Craziest? Kyle + // 031. Loudest? JJ + // 032. Nicest? patricia + // 033. Bitchiest? Lol no comment + // 034. Life of the party? no one in particular + // 035. Jock? Kyle + // 036. Prep? JJ + // 037. Rebel? Danny + // 038. Cutest? everyone + // 039. Best friend of the same sex? chris + // 040. Best friend of the opposite sex? My girlfriend + // 041. Most popular? kyle + // 042. Rudest? dickear + // 043. Most shy? andrew + // 044. Dumbest? dustin + // 045. Smartest? Andrew + // 046. Horniest? Chris + // 047. Has the best hair? I dunno + // 048. Best personality? Melissa + // 049. Most talented? Chris + // 050. Most ghetto? Stevy + // 051. Most spoiled? Kyle + // 052. Drama queen? Patricia + // 053. Pain in the ass? Chris + // 054. Funniest? Danny + // 055. Best advice giver? Danny + // 056. Druggie? Dick Ear + // 057. Most likely to join a cult? Trident + // 058. Have you lost touch with a good friend recently? yes + // 059. Person you've been friends with the longest? Chris + // 060. How many friends do you have on your buddy list? Almost 200 ______FAMiLY STUFF + // 104. How many siblings do you have? 0 + // 105. What are your parents names? Liz and Mike Montplaisir + // 106. What are your siblings names? N/A + // 107. How many siblings does your mother have? 2 sisters + // 108. How many siblings does your father have? A brother + // 109. Where are your parents from? Boston and Milpitas + // 110. Is your family close? Ya kinda + // 111. Does your family get together for holidays? Ya it sucks + // 112. Do you have a drunk uncle? no + // 113. Any medical problems run through your family? no + // 114. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? no + // 115. Do you have any nieces or nephews? no + // 116. Are your parents divorced? yes + // 117. Do you have stepparents? yes + // 118. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? no + // 119. If so for what? n/a + // 120. Did some of your family come to the United States from another country? no ______MUSiiC STUFF + // 121. What song do you swear was written about you? vodoo + // 122. What's the most embarrasing CD you own? Disney hero songs + // 124. What song do you absolutely hate? I dunno + // 125. Do you sing in the shower? Lol yes + // 126. What song reminds you of that special someone? She thinks my tractor’s sexy ______FAVORiTE STUFF + // 152. Color: light blue + // 153. Food: lamb and bolongia + // 154. Song: The good stuff + // 155. Show: I don’t watch tv + // 156. School subject: Math + // 158. Animal: Tiger + // 159. Clothing Brand: Vans + // 160. Radio station: 95.3 krty + // 161. Movie: Star Wars + // 162. Pair of shoes: skate shoes + // 163. Cartoon: Avitar + // 164. Actor: Harrison Ford + // 165. Actress: Angilina Jolee + // 166. Potato chip: none + // 167. Drink: Dr Pepper + // 168. Alcoholic drink: 151 and Pacifico + // 169. Holiday: July 4 + // 170. Perfume/cologne: fierce + // 171. Pizza topping: sausage + // 172. Jello flavor: cherry + // 173. Lunch meat: Bolongia + // 174. Board game: trinopoly + // 175. Video game: god of war + // 176. Website: myspace lol + // 177. Book: The hero and the crown + // 178. Computer game: the sims + // 179. Number: 22 + // 180. Cereal: Honey bunches of oats + // 181. Comedian: Dane Cooke + // 182. Dessert: Brownie + // 183. Disney character: CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW + // 184. Clothing store: Mervyn’s + // 185. Pasttime: talk to my gf + // 187. Childhood toy: my teddy mr fuzzums L + // 188. Carnival game/ride: the baseball one when you knock the milk cans down + // 189. Candy: gummy worms sour + // 190. Magazine: thrasher + // 191. Salad dressing: blu cheese + // 192. Thing to do on the weekend: work jk fishing + // 193. Hot drink: coffee + // 194. Season: summer + // 195. Sport to watch: hockey + // 196. Person to talk to online: mitchelle shes awsome ______YOUR BEDROOM/SLEEPiNG HABiTS + // 197. What color are your sheets? Usually black + // 198. What color are your bedroom walls? white + // 199. Do you have any poster on your walls? a few + // 200. If so of what? Heman JFK Carmen Electra some other hot chick darkside skate shop a poster of whales perfect dark story of the year and poltergiest + // 201. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? Yes very durable too sometimes when I’m drunk I get mad and throw it but it still works rock on + // 202. How many pillows are on your bed? 2 + // 203. What do you normally sleep in? boxers.. pants + // 204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: blue and white plaid + // 205. What size bed do you have? queen + // 206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? no + // 207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? No + // 208. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? No + // 209. Describe the last nightmare you had: I was getting arrested + // 210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no + // 211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? One time there was 4 + // 212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? sometimes + // 213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? No I live on my own + // 214. Do you snore? sometimes + // 215. How about drool? once. + // 216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? yes + // 217. What color is the carpet in your room? white + // 218. What's under your bed? Nothing junk I guess ______PiCKY PiCKY + // 219. Coke/Pepsi: coke + // 220. Doughnuts/bagel: bagels + // 221. Day/night: night + // 222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: west + // 223. Heaven/hell: Heaven + // 224. Make love/have sex: love is good but so is sex + // 225. Coffee/tea: coffee + // 226. Hamburgers/hotdogs: cheeseburgers + // 227. Rap/rock: rock + // 228. Britney/Christina: Christina is hotter + // 229. Swiss cheese/american cheese: chedar + // 230. Real World/Road Rules: neither they should all die + // 231. Backstreet Boys.r{}*sigh* + // 280. Christina Aguilera's comeback: who cares + // 281. Homosexuals: don’t care + // 282. Abortion: if that’s what you want + // 283. Interracial relationships: race doesn't mean anything + // 284. Murder: don’t mess with him + // 285. Death: sad, but natural + // 286. Obesity: that’s huge bitch + // 287. Pre-marital sex: yes please + // 288. Terrorism: fuck those guys + // 289. Pornography: funny stuff + // 290. Fortune tellers: full of shit + // 291. Threesomes: hmmm no comment + // 292. Prostitution: fuck yopur desperite + // 294. Country music: hell ya + // 295. George W. Bush: dumb. + // 296. Cloning: too many of me ohh no + // 297. Britney's boobs: too small ______NAME GAME What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names? + // 299. Jack: SPARROW!!!!!!!!! + // 300. Tiffany: dimonds + // 301. Ben: gay + // 302. Mariah: bitch + // 303. Jennifer: oston? + // 304. Nicole: Anna! + // 305. Amy: sizmore + // 306. Adam: sandler + // 307. Richard:dick + // 308. Justin: the dick watch + // 309. Arnold: Schwarchenegger... grrrr + // 310. Tom: Cruise + // 311. Melissa: davis + // 312. Charlotte: oherra + // 313. Harold: nothing + // 314. John: Jacob jinglehimer shmit + // 315. Joel: wrestling + // 316. Vanessa: black + // 317. Michelle: milf + // 318. Kevin: alcohol + // 319. Brent: rugby + // 320. Karen: nothin + // 321. Dylan: bob + // 322. Sarah: and jj + // 323. Natalie: mead + // 324. Christy: my buddy + // 325. Nick: fat guy in an over coat + // 326. Linda: nothing + // 327. Taylor: eating disorder + // 328. Jordan: air + // 329. Jaime: thomas + // 330. Adrian: rocky ______HAVE YOU EVER.. + // 331. Mooned anyone? yup + // 332. Been on a diet? yup + // 333. Been to a foreign country? nope + // 334. Broken a bone? nope + // 335. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? no + // 336. Sworn at a teacher? Ya I called her a lot of stuff + // 337. Talked to an LJ member via e-mails or instant messages? yes + // 338. Gotten in a fight? yes + // 339. Dated a teacher? lol no.. but I wanted to + // 340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? lol...no + // 341. Thought about killing your enemy? A little + // 342. Gone skinny dipping? yes + // 343. Met another LJ member in the flesh? no + // 344. Told a little white lie? everyone does + // 345. Told a secret you swore not to tell? yes....i'm a bad person + // 346. Used a foreign object to masturbate? no have you? + // 347. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? ya + // 348. Been on tv? no + // 349. Been on the radio? no + // 350. Been in a mosh pit? yup + // 351. Been to a concert? yup + // 352. Dated one of your best friends? yes + // 353. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? no but when we broke up…. + // 354. Decieved somebody close to you? yup + // 355. Broken the law? Lol a little + // 356. Been to a rodeo? ya + // 357. Been on a talk show? No + // 358. Been on a game show? No + // 359. Been on an airplane? Yes + // 360. Gotten to ride on a firetruck? yeah + // 361. Came close to dying? ya + // 362. Cheated on a bf/gf? No + // 363. Gave someone a piggy back ride? yes + // 364. Terrorized a babysitter? nope + // 365. Made a mud pie? yes + // 366. Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff? no + // 367. Snuck out of the house at night? yes + // 368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name? yes + // 369. Had an eating disorder? No + // 370. Felt like you didn't belong? Yeah + // 371. Felt like the 3rd wheel? more times than one + // 372. Smoked? yes + // 373. Done drugs? yes + // 374. Stolen money from a poor person on the street? No + // 375. Had your tonsils removed? No + // 376. Gone to camp? Yup + // 377. Won a bet? yes + // 378. Written a love letter? Not really + // 379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? yes + // 380. Written a love poem?.. yes + // 381. Kissed in the rain? yes + // 382. Slow danced with someone you love? ya + // 383. Participated in cyber sex? no + // 384. Stolen something from a store? yes + // 385. Stolen a kiss? yes + // 386. Asked a friend for relationship advice? yeah + // 387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf? yes + // 388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone special? ya + // 389. Gotten a speeding ticket? Lol yes + // 390. Done jail time? Lol yes + // 391. Had to wear a uniform to work? yes + // 392. Won a trophy? Yes + // 393. Thrown up in public? yes + // 394. Bowled a perfect game?no + // 395. Failed/got held back? no + // 396. Gotten perfect attendance in grade school? no + // 397. Roasted pumpkin seeds? Yeah + // 398. Taken ballet lessons? no + // 399. Attempted suicide?no + // 400. Cut yourself? By accident ______CHiLDHOOD STUFF + // 401. Did you play with Barbies? ya + // 402. Did you own Treasure Trolls? no + // 403. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210? no + // 407. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed? ya + // 408. Did you wear underwear with the days of the week on them? No + // 409. Were you shy? i still am + // 410. Were you spoiled? no + // 411. Were you abused? ya + // 412. Did you go to the circus? no + // 413. Did you go to the zoo? yeah + // 414. Were you in a car accident? no + // 415. Did you build snowmen? ya + // 416. Did you cry when you scraped your knee? Ya + // 417. Were your older cousins mean to you? No + // 418. Did you think slinkies were cool? totally + // 419. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer? ya + // 420. Were you afraid of the dark? yes + // 421. Did you have slumber parties? no + // 422. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, sleeping bags and pajamas? no + // 424. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy?Yes ______RANDOMNESS + // 425. Do you believe in aliens? I’m an alien + // 426. Name 3 things that are next to your computer: cigaret lighter and a book + // 427. Any hidden talents? I can’t tell you + // 428. Do you wish MTV would play music videos? yup + // 429. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? comedy + // 430. What would your movie star name be? A10 + // 431. Do you play any sports? Lol a lot rugby wrestling ice hockey and so forth + // 432. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? Hell Raiser + // 433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently?Casinova it the only one I’ve seen lately + // 434. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen? Dumb and Dumberer + // 435. Do you drive? yes + // 436. What is your dream car? 1970 Charger + // 437. What kind of car does your family most often drive? saturns + // 439. Would you ever sky dive? Ya after a few attempts + // 440. Do you believe in Bigfoot? No + // 441. Do you believe in God? Hmm ya but not churches + // 442. Are you afraid of roller coasters? no + // 443. Are you a virgin? no + // 444. Do you believe in Satan? sure + // 445. Do you believe there is a heaven? Yes but I imagine there is none + // 446. Do you believe there is a hell? sure + // 447. Do you own a pool table? i wish + // 448. Do you have a pool? yup + // 449. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen? Yes + // 450. Do you like chocolate? YES + // 451. Who/what is on your 2006 calendar? Don’t have one + // 453. Ever wished on a shooting star? yep + // 454. Best Halloween costume you ever wore? Chewbacca bitch + // 455. Do you carry any weapons on you? sometimes + // 456. What is your weakness? The girl I love + // 457. Name something you can't get enough of: Kristen + // 458. Do you ever want to get married? Yes + // 459. How many kids do you want to have? 3 but I will compromise + // 460. Future daughters names: Kallie and Stacy + // 461. Future sons names: Jamie + // 462. What is your ideal way to die? Saving someones life + // 463. How do you release stress? I beat the shit out of someone + // 464. Are you a trendy person? no + // 465. Are you an artistic person? With food + // 466. Are you a realistic person? yes, but i dream + // 467. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? No + // 468. Are you a strong person? id like to think so.. + // 469. Are you a strong-willed person? yeah...most of the time + // 470. Who was the last person to e-mail you? Holley + // 471. Who was the last person to IM you? Don’t remember + // 472. Do you hate chain e-mails? yeah. + // 473. Are you a deep sleeper? sometimes + // 474. Are you a good story teller? yes + // 475. What do you believe is your best quality? I can make you laugh or at least smile + // 476. What is your greatest accomplishment? wrestling + // 477. Do you like to burn candles or incense? candles + // 479. Do you have your own credit card? yes + // 480. Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money? Buy a house and invest the money + // 481. Do you have a checkbook? yes + // 482. Do you like your driver's license picture? Ya it ok + // 484. What color is your hair naturally? blonde + // 485. Do you have braces? no + // 486. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? none + // 487. Is the glass half full or half empty? half full + // 489. Worst feeling in the world? Failing, being alone + // 488. Best feeling in the world? love + // 489. Last website you were at? myspace + // 490. Last thing you downloaded? A song + // 491. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life? no + // 492. What do you think people think of you? Dunno dont care + // 493. Are you a likeable person? i think so + // 494. Do you need therapy? somedays yea.. + // 495. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? I used to + // 496. What the best way to propose to someone? Where you first met or a place that means something to you both + // 497. What kind of movie would you star in? Action or romance lol + // 498. Fed Ex and UPS were to merge. Would they call it fed UP? haha good one...lol + // 499. What's your favorite phrase? Just kidding I love you + // 500. What are you thinking right now? I want to sleep
Your Suicide.. by Konstantine
Your Name/Username
Favorite Number?
Favorite Color?
How will you commit suicide? You will slit your wrists
How many tries will it take? 3
When will you commit suicide? March 1, 2008
What will your suicide note say? Now there's simply one less heart left to break
Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Interests

Rugby is the sport but I like to wrestle also i love 80's music aND I LIKE TO SNOWBOARD AND SURF i LIKE TO TAKE PICTURES ANd Cook and of course girls! Take the quiz:
What type of kisser are you?

Romantic kisser
This kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife. (Thats right ladies!)

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Are You Good In Bed?
Full Name
Are You Good In Bed? There's a line 'round the block for you

This quiz by KimmyAlberts - Taken 326414 Times. New - Dating Advice written by YOU!
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 83%

Kissing Skill Level - 99%

Cuddling Skill Level - 64%

Sex Skill Level - 98%

Why They Love You You are too good to be true.
Why They Hate You You are too sexy.

This quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 2148263 Times. New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice ! .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
If you played rugby and I was your coach, what position would I put you at?
Number 8
You are the most important member of the pack of forwards.You have the responsibility of keeping things tight at the back of the scrum.One slip and you could lose posession.However, you are also reasonably fit and must be relied on to make bracing runs up the field.

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --

I'd like to meet:

everyone and noone i've always wondered who they were


90's Alternative and and Rob Zombie PM5K ENtombed,Slayer some but little of Slipknot 80's I also like punk and the Cure and Kenny Chesney. Voodoo Add a video to your site Webratsmusic.com


I like chick flicks and I cry when it is sad. My friend nick says it cuz I got heart. i also like sci fi and fantasy and sum comidies if they re not too stupid


don't really watch tv sometimes i watch cartoons or movies that are on but that is rare I have to be really bored


I like to read stories about dragons and knights and sword fight battles not kid stuff but the more suffisticated stuff my favorite book is the last dragon hunter


My number one heroe is John F Kennedy. He's been my heroe and role model since fourth grade when i did a report on him.

My Blog


LIFE does it have a meaning, no i dont think so. if any1 reads this let me know if you disagree, but i think not. Anyway life sucks. you never have enough money but everyone wants all your money you e...
Posted by Gizmo got PLUR on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 01:24:00 PST

and survey says.............

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe m...
Posted by Gizmo got PLUR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my first blog

. So bored wish i had some money then i wouldn't be bored I need a job anyone got an idea. i need a car. ok well i updated my xanga so if your really want to read my blog click the link my xanga...
Posted by Gizmo got PLUR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST