Band of the Month for March: Hellhammer
From the vaults of the mighty dead godz springs forth Hellhammer! No
they’re not back, but Tom and company have finally unleashed their
official "Demon Entrails" compilation upon the world! Now you and all
your poser friends can buy it and act like you were in on it from day
one! If you thought Celtic Frost was too sophisticated, try Hellhammer
to get your dose of caveman black/death brutality! Oooough!
Visit the Hellhammer Myspace page and Hellhammer homepage for more information.
Metalenema began in 1994 on FM Radio in Austin, Texas. Hosted by The Undertaker and Agapornis Epicac, it was the only radio show broadcast from The University of Texas that received press coverage in The Daily Texan, Austin Chronicle, and The Austin American Statesman. The show was tied to numerous touring concerts and boasted hundreds of listeners at the height of its popularity. The focus of the show is Black and Death Metal spanning the 80s, 90s, and the new millenium, as well as some good old timeworn Speed and Thrash Metal for good measure. While the music is always serious, our intrepid hosts are rarely anything but irreverant, ridiculous, and occasionally patently offensive in their quest to promote the long-lost lighter side of an artform they hold so dear. Get your grains of salt ready, folks - this is not your typical faceless metal programming! Grab a beer, some drugs, or whatever the hell it is that you depend on to actually enjoy yourself for a couple of hours and tune in! It’s time for metal and funny!