What is there to say I'm Beautiful:)
Life is wonderful for me. Being married for 10 years and 4 kids later. Being a mom of 2 Autistic children is a challange, a rollor coster ride that you would not belive and even though I threw up many times I cant wait to get back on again. Baby I love and thank you for being there to hold my hair back and for holding my hand on the way down. I am FREE to be ME with no strings to hold me down.Right know I am the Founder and Executive Director of The Autism Center here in Ontario Oregon.
Never in my life would I have imagine I would be doing this.
That goes to show you that with God all things are possible. About my fashion I did not forget but helping families that have the challangs of rasing children with Autism must be my first priority.
Remember you are beautiful and you can do all things with God. Don't let no one bring you down. You can also be FREE. He will set you free and when He sets you Free you are Free in deed.