I like long walks on beaches with romantic candle lit dinners. Just kidding! I like watching funny ass movies and sometimes action films. Playing sports will tickle my fancy too from time to time.
Roger Federer, Tiger Woods, Amanda Beard, McLovin', Rambo, and Peter Pan
Yes, please....
BEERFEST, Super Troopers, Troy, Robin Hood Men in Tights, The Godfather Series, The Last Samurai, Ace Ventura, American Wedding, Anger Management, Blow, Braveheart, Fight Club, Gladiator, Goodfellas, Hulk, Kiss of the Dragon, Mr. Deeds, Office Space, Reservoir Dogs, Road Trip, Scareface, Swordfish, The Boondock Saints, The Partriot, The Untouchables, Training Day, Varsity Blues, Mean Girls, Eurotrip, Starsky and Hutch, Van Helsing, Knockaround Guys
24, House, Grey's Anatomy, FoodNetwork(24/7!), and comedy central
Ender's Game, Animorphs, The DaVinci Code (Very awesome), Deception Point, You Cannot Be Serious, also Game, Set, Match
Superman, Aquaman, Ironman, Flashman, Peter M(P)an, Green Lantern, Anchorman