Jennifer Tang On Myspace dot com
gO tOo mY xanGa littlemissazngirl
--»gEt tOo knOw meEh!![+] cAll meEh: jenniFer
[+] i Am 1o0%: giRl
[+] pRoud citZen oF tHe uniTed sTates
[+] aRea: 630
[+] ethniCity:aSian
[+] aznaLity: chineSe/viEt
[+] AIM OoOoNguoiDep
[+] msn: XxNguoiDepxX
"dOn't sAy yoOh lOve meEh uNleSs yoOh reaLLy mEan iT, cUz i miGht dO sOmething cRazy liKe beLieve iT"
♥ I wiLL gEt yOur atTention
♥ I gEt randOm ouTbuRst
♥ I cAn beAt uP nObOdy
♥ bLue iS mY favOrite cOlor
♥ I lOve cOffee
♥ I wiLL ruLe tHe wOrld, wiTh mY tRusty siDekiCk kaTie (juSt waTch mE uS)
♥ bewaRe oF mY laPdanCes
♥ i cOuld eAt duMplings liKe theRe's nO tOmarrow...(miTe taKe a whiLe, bUt gimmiE tiMe)
♥ lOve hiNa & DBZ iS mY aLL tiMe fav aniMe
♥ I have dimples on my face (yEs i hAve twO oF eM)
♥ miLk aRe pOintlesS aNd eviL
♥ I lOve oReos coOkies & cReam iCe cReam
♥ I haVe nOo seNse oF diRection
♥ I lOve mY cOusin liSa sHe rOcks
♥ I haVe tWo peRsOnality. TIbby iS mY eviL siDe aNd SHe iS inSane...
♥ i'M a haRd heAded peRson
♥ i'm uSually sMiling or hapPy at tiMes sOo i aLways haVe tHat cHeezy smiLe oN mY faCe
♥ mAi favOrite stUff dOll is mAi nEmo dAt dRew * bOught 4 meEh!
♥ i'M a idiOt cUz i stiLL liKe 2 plAy tAg
♥ i stiLL kaRe abOut mAi ex (weLL mOst of em)
♥ i onLy liKe miLk in mAi ceReal
♥ i liKe lOve 2 sEt thiNgs on fiRe....
♥ i liKe 2 maKe pAper staRs
♥ i lOve bubbLe tEa
♥ iM addiCted tOo mY siDekiCk 3 !!!
♥ i liKe liLys infaCt iM suCker fOr liLys...tHey aRe mY aLL tiMe favOrite fLower!!!
♥ dOn't aSk i gEt weiRder aNd weiRder...
♥ i pLay matChmaker wiTh mY fRiends wiTh or wiThout theiR cOnsent
♥ yoOh wiLL fiNd mY haiR eveRywheRe...
♥ i waNt tO maKe oUt & cuddLe!
♥ i cRave fOr cinnabOn wiTh extRa frOsting! aNd oF cOurse dumpLing baBy! (dRool, dRool)
♥ i lOve bEing lOved
♥ i haVe NO paTience fOr idiOts! nOne whatsOever...
♥ i aM nOt sTuck uP!! i'M scaRed oF peOple.
♥ I like lOve tO danCe iN mY paNties....iN fRont oF mY mirrOr.....iN mY bedRoom......wiTh tHe muSic oN fUll bLast!
♥ i liSten wHen yOu thiNk i'M nOt liStening
♥ i cRy wHen tHe peOple i caRe sAy haRsh tHings, unneCessary tHings...
♥ i figHt tO kEep mY bOdy iN sHape
♥ tHe onLy cRime i'Ve eVer cOmmitted iS bEing rEally, rEally, rEally ridiculOusly goOd-loOking...
♥ i Am sOo vaNilla (aS in veRy pLain aNd veRy bOring...)
♥ i onLy wiN wHen peoOle lEt mE wiN....cauSe i'M a wiMp...
♥ i'M hAppy wHen peOple maKe mE feeL sPecial!
♥ i siNg iN mY cAr.:aLone:.
♥ i wiLL fiNd a "deCent gUy" tO bE mY paRt tiMe bOyfriend! oNe dAy Hehe...
♥ i aM tHe whoLe paCkage! DaMn!
♥ i aM a hOpeless & rOmantic aT heaRt
♥ i Am dOne loOking fOr a relatiOnship...i waNt tOo bE fOund! sOo i'LL bE hidiNg...(goOd luCk loOking fOr meEh!)
♥ dOn't wOrry i'M nOt intrrested in YOUR bOyfRiend. sOo laDies reLlax.
♥ i lOve pucCa!
--»jEnnifer's pRoduktiOns
You may think that I'm a slut, But baby that's not true, I'm sorry bitch I'm not you
pleaSe reAd thiS befOre mesSaging mE
<most frequently annoying questions asked>
And I have answers:
♥ I will NOT email you any pics
♥ I do NOT have any nude pics
♥ I am 50% chinese and 50% viet
♥ Yes iM suRe im not laos/koRean
♥ yes I'm sure that you are a "nice guy" everything, but Im still not intrested in "getting to know" you better...
♥ no i will NOT have sex with you!
♥ And NO i will NOT have a threesome with you either so stop asking!
♥ you want my number? Sure you can have it. Its 1-310-495-5412 call me
♥ i DO add everyone
♥ no im not a bi
♥ yes im sure im not a bi
♥ i DO NOT...I repeat I DO NOT...want to see
your penis
♥ My name is not fuck off
♥ Dont ask me to "holla back" cause i wont
♥ I DO NOT reply to messages that only says
stuff like "YOU'ER HOT I WANNA BANG YOU" so fuck off!
♥ Or you give me your email for me to email
you pics, you will only be getting viruses
♥ DO NOT use me as an avertising tool for your big ass poster
about some lame party that noone gives a shit about
♥ Im horrible at responding to your messages on time!
so gimmie time! Resending sending me the message
and flooding my mailbox does not help
♥ please dont message my friends for advice on
"How to get to know me" YES THEY HAVE COMPLAINED!
sOrry mU
Tibby is Jennifer's other personality. Not much else is revealed except that Tibby is insane and out to destroy Jennifer.
I'm sure you all know about my other personality, Tibby. I just want to let you all know that you've definitely seen her around before. She's around quite often but she seems to sleep alot during these hours....hence that is why I am always up late at these hours chatting with you guys and hence why I always sound so much nicer and sweeter at these odd hours of the's because you're talking to me...JENNIFER! hehe....dont worry I'm not a freak.....maybe I am but so are you so who cares? Shhh....don't wake up Tibby! She's scary!
-Jennifer 12.28.05
++get too know meeh++
Name: Jennifer
Birthday: 08-03-88
Birthplace: LA
Current Location: uranus yes the planet
Eye Color: brown but i wear color contacts
Hair Color: i don't really know??? brown????
Height: 5"3
Right Handed or Left Handed: i'm a rightie
Your Heritage: Chinese and viet
The Shoes You Wore Today: bebe flip flops
Your Weakness: find out your self
Your Fears: bill Clinton, wacko jacko, clowns i hate clowns
Your Perfect Pizza: hate it so i don't really eat it
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to rule the world with katie
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: oOotay
Thoughts First Waking Up: give me 5 more mins and baby i'll rock your world
Your Best Physical Feature: everything i love my body
Your Bedtime: i dunno don't have one
Your Most Missed Memory: being in LA
Pepsi or Coke: none i don't like pop i like juice tho
MacDonalds or Burger King: eewww they are but yucky
Single or Group Dates: single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla baby(I'm so plain)
Cappuccino or Coffee: both baby
Do you Smoke: yea when I'm stressed out or depressed
Do you Swear: fuck no i don't swear
Do you Sing: yea when i'm in the shower or when i'm alone
Do you Shower Daily: more than twice baby yes i'm squeaky clean
Have you Been in Love: yes sirie bob, once and only once!.
Do you want to go to College: yes i do, i wanna learn baby learn!!!
Do you want to get Married: yes no maybe so
Do you belive in yourself: heck yes i do believe lol
Do you get Motion Sickness: sometimes......
Do you think you are Attractive: um you could be the judge of that....
Are you a Health Freak: yes sir/mam i am OCD baby
Do you get along with your Parents: maybe?
Do you like Thunderstorms: no they scare me
Do you play an Instrument: yea i play the violin and the piano
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: guilty
In the past month have you Smoked: nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs: pshh no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes yes yes yes and yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: heck yea it's like my 2nd home
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: yea i got those damn munchies
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no hate fish
In the past month have you been on Stage: yes more than once
In the past month have you been Dumped: no and I don't plan on being dumped
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: maybe?????
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: fuck no i have money shit
Ever been Drunk: always
Ever been called a Tease: pshhh yea
Ever been Beaten up: shit no i'll kung fu your ass lol
Ever Shoplifted: once again i have money
How do you want to Die: !?!?!?!? what the hell what kind of question is that?
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a model oh wait i am one wishes does come true
What country would you most like to Visit: Europe
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: brown or blue
Favourite Hair Color: anything
Short or Long Hair: both
Height: has to be taller than me
Weight: in fit?
Best Clothing Style: anything as long as there not naked
Number of Drugs I have taken: !?!?!?!?huh!?!?!?
Number of CDs I own: to many
Number of Piercings: soon to be ten
Number of Tattoos: none I'm tat free
Number of things in my Past I Regret: shopping
[+] mAll
[+] mOvies
[+] phOne
[+] muSic
[+] spenDing tiMe wiTh mAi fRiends
[+] evEn bettEr wiTh tHat speCial sOmeone
[+] eAting
[+] sleEp
[+] beiNg a laZy bUm!!
[+] beiNg goOfy
[+] staRs
[+]dAy dReamin'
[+] G-stRings roCks mY sOcks nOthing seXy liKe a tiGht bUtt fLoss
[+] Oneday i wiLL woRk fOr playbOy nOt aS iN mOdeling bUt bEing aN airbRusher or a tOilet scRubber.
[+] I lOve to eAt phO aNd chiCken-n-dumpLing ill eAt iT eveRyday If I cOuld
[+] I liKe sTars...idk wHy bUt I juSt dO...don't aSk queStions
[+] I'm a suCker fOr gUys wHo rOcks a mOwhawk aNd wHo weArs eyeLiner....omg thatS hOtt
[+] I lOve tOo siNg...i'M nOt reAlly goOd aT iT bUt I enjOy iT. i'M liKe williAm huNg...bUt I haVe beTter danCe mOves hehe
[+] cHilling/sPending tiMe wiTh tHat "speCial sOmeone".(oR whO eveR iS iN aT tHe tiMe...)
depeNding tHe aSsingment, bUt i dO anythiNg uP tO impLied nudiTy. i'Ve wOrked wiTh tHe fEw oF tHe beSt photogRapher iN tHe midweSt suCh aS Dean Johnson oF tHe gOlden vAlly, Mn. Bruce Andrews oF chicaGo, IL. ANd Tom Stancampiano oF St Paul, Mn. yOu gUys rOck!
i haVe sO mUch fUn mOdeling, bUt sadLy, i dOn't mOdel aS muCh aS i uSe tO becauSe i waNt tO fOcus oN wHat i waNt tO dO wiTh mY liFe beSide mOdeling. bUt i sTill lOve tO mOdel, iF a gReat oppoRtunity fLy bY i wOuldn't lEt iT paSs bY...
wHat i liKe:
[+] hiP-hOp
[+] R&B
[+] rOck
[+] slOw jAms
[+] viEtnamese muSic
[+] instRumental
[+] a waLk tO rememBer
[+] tHe nOte boOk!
[+] 13 gOing oN 30
[+] lOrd oF tHe riNgs (1,2, and 3)
[+] chineSe dRama
[+] ruSh hOur (1 and 2)
[+] fiNding nEmo (heCk yEa)
[+] hAppy fEEt!!! yEa that's riGht bitChes!
<TVB Films>
[+] jouRney tO tHe weSt I&II
[+] uNder tHe canpOy oF lOve
[+] dRagon lOve
[+] enterNal happineSs
<Hong Kong Films>
[+] yesteRday onCe mOre
[+] neEding yOu
[+] lOve oN a diEt
[+] dRy woOd fierCe fiRe
[+] tHe liOn rOar
[+] fiSt fuRy
[+] shaOlin sOccer
[+] kuNg fu huStle
[+] fiNal fantaSy VII
[+] lOve hiNa
[+] DBZ
[+] naRuto
[+] sailOr moOn
[+] famiLy gUy!!!!!
[+] fRiends oF cOurse
[+] tvb
oH wOw uM wEll i dOn't knOw, i dOn't reAlly reAd boOks... uM dOes pictuRe boOk cOunt? juSt jOkeing...
[+] sAm's lEtters tO Jennifer [+] teSs oF tHe d'ubervilles
My Ideal Guy
I don't really post this up on myspace cause I think that its just too cheesey but whatever, I just thought that you guys want to just read it and shut up!
I want a guy taller than me. I'm 5'3 so that's not much to ask. one of my ex's were shorter and smaller so it really made me self-conscious.
I want a guy that intimates me and at the same time I can be totally goofy and comfortable with. We all know physical beauty doesn't counter for much but for me sparks must fly and I must find you sexually appealing. I need someone that I am actually sexually attracted to, not just someone I find attractive. There are tons of people I can imagine dating yet not sleeping with. I need someone that makes me want both. I need to want to be your lady not your whore.
I don't want you in the spotlight. I don't want you to always let me be in the spotlight. I want us BOTH to put on a show. Well once in a while you have to step down and watch me perform like the rest of them... hehee...
I cannot stand "macho man". I need a guy that's goofy, a dork and totally willing to make a fool out of himself like I do everyday. Colored eyes. I love colored eyes. Something about colored eyes just makes me wanna break into poetry... Not that is this a must cause God knows I don't have them.
I want a good guy, not just some lame NICE guy. There is a big difference. He cannot have dated ANY of my friends before me. I find that disgusting . He has to have lots of patience ... Well anyone needs a lot of that to be around me. Haha... I am short tempered enough for the both of us. I like perverted people. FUNNY perverted people... Not stupid perverted guys. There is a HUGE difference, understand?
I need a guy that is witty and can keep up with me. He can't be afraid to argue back. I love a good fun argument. You can't be afraid to get rough with me or I'll walk all over you!!! Well not really but still...And you CANNOT use your "big voice" on me (aka yelling)
I have had my fair share of men in my life so far and I've seen it all and that is how I came to the conclusion that I am extremely attracted to a man who is filled with wisdom . I'm not interested in how much money you have. I'm not interested in how buff you are or how "cool" you dress. ......I'm just interested in a man who can teach me new things in life something that I haven't yet learned on my own. I am young at heart, yet I have an old soul. So any man who can match that is a keeper in my book.
Well what I'm trying to say is I want to find my geek. Its more like I'm the beauty and he's MY geek!
This guy gotta be able to handle a girl that can EAT caz trust me.... I eat. Oh and he has to be ok with eating chicken. Not saying you have to actually eat it but don't try to talk me into giving up chicken, that's like asking me to go on a shit-eating diet, not gonna happen.
I don't want to deal with ANY crazy ex-girlfriends. Please keep them under control or out of your life before you try and get with me. I totally believe you should stay friends with your ex's, but if they are CRAZY than that's another story.
I don't give a care about what music my guy listens to. I hate it how some people will only associate with others that shares the same music interest. He can listen to THE WIGGLES GREATEST HITS for all I care, as long as we don't have to have sex to that if you guys "think" you match my standerd, than please take a number and wait in line...ha I'm so lame, its sad...
Uhh and one big importent thing... He has to like me back.
Even better if they are rocking the mowhawk...makes Jennifer very excited
Btw I am wearing really ugly underwear. Just feel like telling you all that.
[+] There are my cartoon prince charmings...
If they ever come real I'd be the first to rape them...
Yes even the sponge, seastar and the snail....
How I found myspace I used to go on this one site: XANGA.COM all the time and one day someone told me I should join MYSPACE and that it's actually free. Well I thought why not, so I signed up for it and didn't touch it for like 4 months. When I got back on it was CRAZY!!! First of all almost EVERYONE I knew in real life had a MYSPACE so that was fun. Not to mention ppl I lost contact with actually found me here!....
Friends ONLY! I am on myspace strictly for friends and to entertain ppl. I am NOT looking for the love of my life over the internet. Besides, it's not fucken romantic when people ask: "So how did you and your guy met?" Reply: "On myspace!" It's true that I add everyone and I give everyone the same opening message. BUT! I don't reply back to everyone, especially the idiots that message me everyday with the same stupid message: "YOU'RE HOT I WANNA BANG YOU" I do delete it peeps!!! Now you know, if you actually get a respond back it means I like you.
Annoying shit that most ppl do Ya I know I have a lot of friends. I don't go around begging ppl to WHORE ME, or go on profiles with lots of friends and leave "ADD ME" comments to advertise myself. The only friend request I send out are to random hot girls and to ppl I know in real life. All the other ones were sent to me. I don't post up stupid bulletins like: "Yo hit up my page" or "COMMENT ON DA PICS" come on now, if you want to comment on my pics. Then feel free to...
I love it how some people that DON'T KNOW ME but yet they have different views of me. But let me tell you this, a picture doesn't really tell you how the person is or who they are. I think its so funny how people do this whole "I'm-so-hardcore-and-so-much-punk-than-you-are" down to a tee. When really they are just a little wimps on the inside.
I am who I am. I am not a poser! I am not going to get a fucken mohawk and start punching down walls just to prove to how "hardcore" I am. but i will tell you this, i will fucken slam you of you fuck with me okay. you give me