not caring what other people think, and doing whatever satisfies me. x]
music is my gift because my gift is my music! yeah.. yeah..
i fucking love indie music, and especially house/techno/electronic/ and other dance genres.i like to get down no matter what the time of days is, and i enjoy my little flashbacks i get here and there.. every now and again. yadda! yadda! i dont care what haters think or say about me, because they're always going to be hating anyway so let them keep drinkin their haterade :]
while im beating them down with my glow sticks!
i was on ex when i wrote my about me so of course it sounds
gay and homo.. but whatever (wo)man.. thats me.. who are you?
i love living life to the max, and raving out to the sun rises, but most of all... i enjoy staying in good health!
everyone! its my goal in life.
.and looking or waiting for that right one.
is homosexual!
My friends. And some family. HAH!
Life is like a roller coaster...
you never know when you're going to go up
or when you're going to come down, and sometimes
you can get thrown into a loop. It's so fast paced, but sometimes it has its frequent stops, and when its over...
its over.
When we're young we're so care-free
we don't have to worry about a thing in the world
because we know we have our parents, and family looking
out for us, but as we get older things seem to become
difficult. But all I can say is: Stay Up! Don't get your
head down, and just keep on rocking out to your own beat.
When you feel like all hope is lost just fill your head
with happy thoughts... GET HAPPY!!!
The world is here so that we can discover it, and everything it has to offer, but don't take advantage of
what we've been given for free, because eventually it will fade.