[Alex.X] profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Well, I'm a kiddo that likes to speak his mind to often. Which in turn ends up being my downfall in most of my modern relationships. I have no trouble being myself in front of a crowd, nor will I change the way I want to act for the sake of any royalty or authority. Yes, I know how to behave when behavior is essential, but as for my daily schedule I have no current boundaries holding me back from expressing myself. I stand by the saying, "What you see, is what you get". Amen to that! If you know me in person, than I guess you can say you don't know me in heart.Very rarely will I become close with any other human being, because for the most part I have been let down to many times before, to risk yet another heart brake! However, I am not suggesting that I won't show love to a perfect stranger, because love is compassion, and those that value compassion, value life.I have a lot of opinions, maybe more than the average Joe, but I won't let my opinions get in the way of me having a good time.In that, I also have morals, maybe not the "common" morals, but I have them, and they're there somewhere inside my head, and heart! I like to consider myself a happy, and outgoing person, and I can also say I am one of the most down to Earth persons you will ever meet, and the most sincere.If I had to describe myself in one word, I would choose "optimistic", because I see the cup as half full! [Dorry] Getting to know me is easy... all you have to do is put in your best ten percent, and I'll fill in for the rest of the ninety percent. Hardly will I ever start an argument, and never will I back down from one. If I'm right, then that usually means the other person is wrong.
I appreciate everything, and I respect myself. My name is Alex.
this is who i am
i don't plan on changing anytime soon
if i feel like dancing: i'll dance
if i feel like singing: i'll sing
for now on its me
not you
keep it fresh!!

My Interests

not caring what other people think, and doing whatever satisfies me. x]

music is my gift because my gift is my music! yeah.. yeah.. i fucking love indie music, and especially house/techno/electronic/ and other dance genres.i like to get down no matter what the time of days is, and i enjoy my little flashbacks i get here and there.. every now and again. yadda! yadda! i dont care what haters think or say about me, because they're always going to be hating anyway so let them keep drinkin their haterade :] while im beating them down with my glow sticks! i was on ex when i wrote my about me so of course it sounds gay and homo.. but whatever (wo)man.. thats me.. who are you? i love living life to the max, and raving out to the sun rises, but most of all... i enjoy staying in good health! x>>]

I'd like to meet:

everyone! its my goal in life.
.and looking or waiting for that right one.






is homosexual!


My friends. And some family. HAH!

Life is like a roller coaster... you never know when you're going to go up or when you're going to come down, and sometimes you can get thrown into a loop. It's so fast paced, but sometimes it has its frequent stops, and when its over... its over. When we're young we're so care-free we don't have to worry about a thing in the world because we know we have our parents, and family looking out for us, but as we get older things seem to become difficult. But all I can say is: Stay Up! Don't get your head down, and just keep on rocking out to your own beat. When you feel like all hope is lost just fill your head with happy thoughts... GET HAPPY!!! The world is here so that we can discover it, and everything it has to offer, but don't take advantage of what we've been given for free, because eventually it will fade.

My Blog

California Love

Forgotten is not all that I am, is not all that makes me pulseElsewhere I linger, though my body is presentIn my eyes are stories of what used to be, in my mind is another worldIf I am not dead, then ...
Posted by [Alex.X] on Tue, 27 May 2008 11:56:00 PST

Fruit Of The Vine

For whatever reason it just happened... like a perfect moment in time that combined our lives together. The first sight meant nothing, nor did my intentions, but like a seed that falls astray from its...
Posted by [Alex.X] on Sun, 25 May 2008 01:39:00 PST


I feel it deep inside of mestirring and brewing into something more than normali sense a change withinfor all that was left of me has faded awaythe noise molds me when im set freei get lost in the mom...
Posted by [Alex.X] on Tue, 20 May 2008 02:00:00 PST


It was unlike any other...Surreal to the point it almost didn't exist...When it all began I had no idea it could be realBut as I've discovered the truthI was no longer blindSo I reached out for itAnd ...
Posted by [Alex.X] on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:56:00 PST


The screaming of your demise lit up the skyFollowed in sequence by the death of a nationIn love with calamity I vow to destroy all that remains of you.Nothing you shall become.Sorrow is not what you f...
Posted by [Alex.X] on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:21:00 PST

The vow of Calamity.

All your lives shall be short lived upon the Earth. Thousands will fall by my hands, as those who have hope will perish in the fire.Angels will fall from the sky, but peace will not be with you for th...
Posted by [Alex.X] on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 03:59:00 PST

Q & A !!!!

You can ask any question you want, and as much as you want. and I will answer all of them honestly. and! i will reply as best i can.---------answer this though. who are you?
Posted by [Alex.X] on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:13:00 PST


you’re there in every shard that cuts me upleaking out of the cracks in the groundrising up into the sunall the lights are shining in different directionsim looking for another way outthis isnt ...
Posted by [Alex.X] on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 02:11:00 PST


Shes taking her time making upThe reasonsTo justify all the hurt insideGuess she knows from the smileAnd the look in their eyesEveryones got a theory about theBitter oneTheyre saying mamma never loved...
Posted by [Alex.X] on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:44:00 PST


This weekend was fun. Friday was the best day I have had in a long time. All my laughs, and all my smiles weren't fake. I felt alive this time, and the whole experience was almost like a dream. I'm gl...
Posted by [Alex.X] on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 04:12:00 PST