What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
The Witch.
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Why do you kill? Girls only. (Kool Pictures And Detailed Results)
You Kill For Revenge.
Someone was tooken from you and you have never gotten over it. You plan to mercilessily slaughter the person or people who did this to you and wish you could do it again and again. You feel out of place at times but have those few friends that help you along and you love music.
Personality: Depressed, Dark
Weapon: Weapons Of Torture
Expression/Action: Crying, or Hanging your head
Most Common Feeling: Sadness
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What Angel do people see in your eyes?(anime pics!)
You are a Sad Angel. Something happened to you that made you depressed. People are trying to help you, but you turn away from them and shut them out.
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What's your anime kiss? (INCREDIBLE ANIME PICTURES!)
Your a romantic kiss. It's deep yo.... ^-^
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Swimsuit! Girls only! (18 beautiful results)
You look awesome in a purple two piece suit. You are shy and you don't like to get out much. Your afraid of what others might think about you, but you shouldn't worry you look beautiful and who cares about what others think about you. As long as your happy about yourself who cares on what others think.
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Wut will your prom dress look like? WITH GREAT PICS! (gurls only unless......)
your dress is gothic!good sense of style, little depressing but very cute at the same time.
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What Kind Of Anime Slave Girl Are You? ~AMAZING ANIME PICS!!!~
You are an Abandoned Slave Girl!! You actually got pretty lucky, though you don't realize. You're masters got bored off you so decided to kick you out. Though you realize your life was horrible, at least in the sense that you were constantly raped, you were given clothes and food and hot baths. You wonder "Why wasn't I good enough?" Probably because you are ugly! LOL, just kidding I bet you are really beautiful!
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