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Myspace Layouts at / Underworld life
Myspace Layouts at / Underworld life
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
To Laugh And Have A Good Time
i Love 80's But i Listen to Everything But classical And Heavy Metal
Love Stories,Action,Science Fiction And Some Times Other Types Of Movies
You Are Rogue
You're reluctantly special. In fact, you long to be normal.
You consider your powers to be a curse, and something you can't control.
Powers: absorbing other people's memories and abilities, weakening and killing people with your touch
Which of the X-Men Are You?
What SuPeR HeRo Would You Be?
Your a hott momma just waiting to create that perfect storm.
i Like To Watch OneTree Hill,Smallville,CSi Sometimes And Yes i Watch The O.C. LOL. i Stopped Watching American idol After The Season 2 with Clay Aiken. i watch other TV Shows Just Not All The Time
Take the Nip / Tuck personality quiz to see which character you are!
Got any ideas
Superman and Batman LOL But My #1 is Grandma And Then My Mom