Travel, Hanging out, Meeting new people, GOOD music and being judgemental (everybody's a critic...)
Erm.Uh.Hmm..A challenge. Thats what i want.
Late 90s alt. Yes, Cobain's my god. Late 90s brit-rock. Yes, Liam Gallagher's on my wall too. Currently obsessed with Jeff Buckley (RIP)
LOTR. Insanely depressing foreign movies. Cool Cantonese triad movies.
My name is Tharish and i'm a tvholic. I have been sober for 0 days.
Fave book - ROTK. Trying not to be sucked into the whole 'i only should read bestsellers' thing. Loves numbing brain with useless sappy-not-so-funny books.
Bono and Aragorn Estel Elessar.