Limitations of the mind and body, boxing, real estate, Bboyin, peaches and cream, speed, wind, and very large buffets!
Jesus, Bruce Lee, Ali, Me ten years ago.
All Types of ill sounds! Mad Love for break beats, oasis, atmosphere...and a gang of others but basically anything that sounds correct.
Theres a tv in the living cable though. I does what I can to use the time that i have been given! My ass aint gonna be around forever you feel me?!
I dont know when it happened but i used to hate readin now I love it! Mere Christianity, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Retire Young Retire Rich, Landlording, The Childrens Illustrated bible, Tao Of Jeet Kun Do. Huge Fan of C.S. Lewis and Like philosophical literature.
Christ, the homies, and anyone worth living and dying for ya dig?