If you're my friend you get a free lifetime subscription to the 'nate show'. By that I mean I'm awesome and if you're awesome then I got your back for life
1st of all, I don't like defining myself because life is constantly changing, and so am I, but for the most part the following are pretty safe assumptions about me:
I entertain myself with my own imagination which can cause poorly timed out bursts of laughter
I want to be a DJ/Anouncer at a Strip club because I do a good impersonation of it.
I'm holding off sex until marriage, which pisses off sluty girls I tend to date.
I think its better to look for an end to questioning rather than just another temporary answer.
I don't think I'm a ninja anymore, however, I may be so ninja that I've fooled my own state of mind because it just comes natural now
I take almost any opportunity to travel even when I'm broke
I live in a random assortment of places with people that I don't know very well
I will try almost anything with a half-arse chance
I like going to strip clubs because girls with nice legs are awesome
I disregard pre-set caution levels and use my own judgement
I find it funny that you can't spell 'slaughter' with out 'laughter'
I am not well spoken and make up lots of words and phrases
I use video games to learn driving physics
I like to drink sometimes
I make odd noises when I burp
I sometimes light my hands on fire
I am less germ-o-phobic than most people
I love to ride my bicycle and the creativity I can put into it
I am in special mode when I have enough caffeine and start talking so fast that I stumble over my words.
I love the reality God has created and I like to use it to as full of a potential as my mind can create.