gangsta parade profile picture

gangsta parade


About Me

If you're my friend you get a free lifetime subscription to the 'nate show'. By that I mean I'm awesome and if you're awesome then I got your back for life
1st of all, I don't like defining myself because life is constantly changing, and so am I, but for the most part the following are pretty safe assumptions about me:
I entertain myself with my own imagination which can cause poorly timed out bursts of laughter
I want to be a DJ/Anouncer at a Strip club because I do a good impersonation of it.
I'm holding off sex until marriage, which pisses off sluty girls I tend to date.
I think its better to look for an end to questioning rather than just another temporary answer.
I don't think I'm a ninja anymore, however, I may be so ninja that I've fooled my own state of mind because it just comes natural now
I take almost any opportunity to travel even when I'm broke
I live in a random assortment of places with people that I don't know very well
I will try almost anything with a half-arse chance
I like going to strip clubs because girls with nice legs are awesome
I disregard pre-set caution levels and use my own judgement
I find it funny that you can't spell 'slaughter' with out 'laughter'
I am not well spoken and make up lots of words and phrases
I use video games to learn driving physics
I like to drink sometimes
I make odd noises when I burp
I sometimes light my hands on fire
I am less germ-o-phobic than most people
I love to ride my bicycle and the creativity I can put into it
I am in special mode when I have enough caffeine and start talking so fast that I stumble over my words.
I love the reality God has created and I like to use it to as full of a potential as my mind can create.

My Interests

Traveling where ever I can, as often as I can with my little bicycle, and rad friends. My dream car is the late eighties Mazda RX7

I'd like to meet:

I'll try anyone once, twice if you're luckey, thrice if I'm luckey.
AIM= PAPER CUT N1NJA (the "i" in ninja, is really a one)



.. Rad, Akira, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Boondock Saints, Ferris Bueller, Passion of the Christ, Breakfast club, Donnie Darko, Hard Candy, Uncle Buck, Matrix, Gone in 60 seconds, Transporter




Bible, BMX magazines(Dig, ride uk, Ride BMX), Car magazines(project car, super street, euro tuner), Thesaurus, and the Dictionary


Jesus, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Johnney Cash, Mat Hoffman, Ignaz Schwinn, Albert Einstein

My Blog

favorite new video game

auto modelista. its super rad! sure its like 4 years old but I just got an xbox so its new to me...the graphics are soooo sick! its like a freakin cartoon!!! I def recomend it if you still have a dust...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 10:29:00 PST

goal bicycle for the summer:

colorway: Okapi, its like zebra stripes but on the lower half and the rest black, I randomly found this animal in some book at borders when I was bored. frame Metal Dagger - borrowed from Joe "metro" ...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 06:43:00 PST

my secret home

it gets old after 4months of hiding from my friends dad. it also sucks we both leave at the same time. hasn't found out and he never will. But's pretty lame at times, like when I spend ...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:17:00 PST


yeah the thing I hate about myspace is its the begining of the robots taking'll see...I'm serious! you think I'm joking I'm sooo not, the robots are going to take over, haven't you seen tha...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 07:49:00 PST

best junk mail ever!

There is no galactic law down here, he intoned with a voice like a You better have a good reason for that. You go there and take surveys? where it rested against the wall. On the third fumbling atte...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 10:54:00 PST

Crazy Sunday nite / Monday morning MAD NINJA ACTION

So I got off of work, and realized with this whole full time thing, I dont have much time to ride my bike. and thought, which would be more fun, going home, or hoping on the train with my bike and goi...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:51:00 PST

I blew up something at work!

An hour after the manager trusts me to run dunkin donuts and I blow up the milk machine and melt the milk crates inside... these buckets have excess milk in them...this is really worse than you can se...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:50:00 PST

an aim conversation with Kellee.

flameschick06 (7:01:22 PM): exactly. i mean i'm quitting smoking cigs right now. i mean i've only had like 3 this week and thats good for me cuz i used to smoke like almost a pack a dayflameschick06 (...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 06:14:00 PST

Worm Holes

So, I was just thinking and talking(never good combo for me because it goes straight from my brain to my mouth and something wierd may come out) about why I don't like using the bathroom at people's h...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 01:11:00 PST

Slide of Life

I'm in line for the waterslide of life with everyone else. Being in that line means we have all gone through thirteen years of training. Some of those in line got extra help from counselors, tutors, a...
Posted by my water's from a canteen on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 12:38:00 PST