whats good my peeps well my name is joey and i am a gay and i love my life. i dont care what any one thinks of me or what they have to say. caz i will do what i do any way the only one that can make me cry or realy hurt me easly is my dad till this day if he says no to me or any thing like that he breakes my heart. but i am a mommys girl 4 life she means the world to me she puts up with alot of shit and she still would do any thing for me i love you. and krystal i am head over heals 4 that girl she can be a bitch but no one not even her would ever now how i feel a bout her we been on and off for 4 years and hopefuley a lot more. elisha is my son he meants the world to me he his so specal to me i miss him like crazy i just want him to come home yo u do not know the love that i got for him. and my caz derick he is the shit he is in jail and i cant wait for him to come out and get is ass up her well peace ps i hope your life is good as mine. one love
No one will understand the bond her & I have.
we've seen each other at our worst & loved each other at our best.
No matter what she'll always have my heart.
i love you krystal ♥