I was always interested in knowing, that if God is our creator, then who created God? And, Why is there hunger and poverty when we are called the land of plenty? Finally, Why can't losing weight be as easy as gaining weight? I have a billion more questions, but I'll be nice and stop here.
That would be the "NEW YORK YANKEES" of course! GO YANKS!!!!!!! And Our Lord.
I love to sing. I've been in bands but I'm currently singing solo Karaoke mostly.
I love movies with happy endings. Like "while you were sleeping, Serendipity,and "The Lake house"'
I watch mostly documentaries. I love the learning channel, MUST HAVE INPUT! Okay, I'm also a Jerry Springer junkie. There I admitted it. Are you happy now?
My favorite is the dictionary. Weird i know.
Jesus Christ, My husband(Tom), My three children (Joseph,Summer & Tiffany), my four animals (Beybie-Behr-Baileigh-&Bob, and the Yanks.