MOVIES/good FOOD/fast cars/rubber shoes/sneakers/beach/stars/music/chocolates/beer/munchies
someone who can carry out intellectually stimulating conversations...aaannddd HOT MEN!
I love dave matthews, jack johnson, drum and bass; anything steady is alright with me..
almost famous/city of god/ virgin suicide/ vanilla sky/ the lover and other art films.. spun/so close/jackass the movie/sweet november(damn!!!im so in to this movie..the month really reminds me of something(?)), trilogy of the Lord of the rings and Matrix
FRIENDS - i miss this show!..that 70's show, whose line is it anyway?, sex and the city, the simpsons, mind of a married man, CSI, spongebob, x-men evolution
MARX for Begginers/Tuesdays with Morrie