I'd like to meet:
Alright..Kay speaking!!:
People who knw me..just yell out Kay!!
Im sure you knw me because: 1) My name always in somebody mouth!
&…2) Because its me!!
You cant be me…so please stop trying!
Anywho..Im a “graduating†Senior at the wonderful Butler High
Im 18 Years Young….( I can go to the movies after 9) =D
Im A November baby!!
I have a beautiful little girl name Khamyra Ma’Kayla Stokes! She is my heart
I Love My Baby Daddy =)….But we are not togehther!! Just good FRIENDS!!
I am single at the moment…Gasp!! Yea I knw!! Don't want no nigga!
Officially a legal driver of Georgia
I love purple…So hate Fakes…& very Independent
I dislike girls…So I only hang with a select few!!
I love Boys…Gee Does that make me a hoe??
Key Fact: Don’t worry about my life if you aint living it!!
So dnt need your help….I make my mistakes and learn on my own!!
People (cough cough Girls) tend to think im a bitch!!
If you dnt like me…I could care less!! So not on this Earth to please you!!
I talk a lot…But its only to hide my true feelings….For some reason!!!
Right now just living and learning!!
So done with the love thing for a moment!!
I absolutely hate Georgia (Augusta)
Im a Happy teenage mom…Dnt care if you judge me
My daughter is not a mistake…Just lessons learned…and life moving!!
Done trying to please people…So I only deal with myself and mine!!
The Ones I keep Close!!
Khadijah B. Sanders
Antonio B. Durden
Shyqayla Y. Brown
Tasherrie L. Morgan