Kayaking, Hiking, Biking, Internet and tech (esp. my Ipod, mac and treo), growing and loving as much as I can.
The physical expression of the happiness within you.
I like classical, Jazz rock am not too familiar with RAP but I do like what I have heard of go-go music. I also like Kirtan chanting. Especially Deva Premal, Donna De Lory, and Krishna Das
I really like Clint Eastwood esp. dark rider. I liked sideways, the sleeping dictioary, y tu mama tambien, a year of living dangerously, and others.
I quit direc TV about 3 years ago. Reinstated it about 2 years ago and am about to suspend it again. I may re-order in the fall when the leaves come off the trees.
Any John Grisham novel, Just listened to A New Earthby Eckhart Tolle and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (audiobooks)
Martin Luther King, Jesus, John McCain, Desmund Tutu, Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Buddah, Lao Tzu, My Dad