music...listening and creating, writing poetry, art, spirituality, serious love addict, exercise, reading, meditation, prayer, spicy foods, hot sauce, vodka anything (and everything), my friends, those that touch my heart and keep pulling at it, sparkling wonders, old trees, cemeteries, new socks, a new toothbrush, electro, car singing, being ridiculous, the word DOUCHE when applied to Jerry, acting chinese (so sorry if i offend you), thai food, mexican food, watching movies, crying at sad movies, crying at happy movies, Silver and Zion, SOCCER! (a new love, but a love!) soccer shin guards on little legs, ice cold water, lying perfectly flat and breathing, butterflies, fairies, the words MOTHER FUCKER when applied to anyone, dabbling in profanity, vulgarity, playing games, star wars, legos, lego star wars!, nylons, stockings, boots, heels, skirts, corsets, makeup, talking like yoda (talk like yoda, at times i do.) leaving silly messages on everyone's voicemail, being silly with the boys... taking a shower, quiet time alone, sushi, the Feast, Blue Fin, COCK SUCKERS, going out & staying in, giggling, whispering, the computer, my iphone, the gazelle glider, plucking my eyebrows, wine and cheese with my girls, dancing in my fishnets like a fat tapper
It is human to hate those whom we have injured. –Tacitus
Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world. -Buddah
The way you speak to others can offer them joy, happiness, self-confidence, hope, trust, and enlightenment. Mindful speaking is a deep practice. -Thich Nhat Hanh
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. -Rumi
Nebulous 9, The Orkid Project.
The Matrix, LOTR, Amelie, anything and everything Jet Li (he's swell), sci-fi
Reading the Harry Potter Series right now.... Dios Mio Dumbeldore!!!!! The Way of a Pilgrim, Marianne Williamson books...This ends my transmission on books I am currently reading or have read in the past month. Disengage.
Jesus Christ, The Buddah, William Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Soccer Moms, Albus Dumbledore, Estelle Magwitch, Queen Elizabeth, my inspirational friends, people who don't stop trying to live the dream, Albert Einstein, people who say FUCK YOU when the time is right ( there such thing as a spiritual fuck you???), Silver & Zion