Sims; reading; movies; knitting; friends; music; learning new things; driving; the beach...
Hip-hop, house, disco, Dave Matthews', Sarah MacLachlan, Sublime, 40oz Midget, Prognosis Negative...
ANYTHING with my husband, Antonio Banderas in it - especially Desperado. Also anything with Robert Hoffman in it - I'm a big fan :-) I feel that the LOTR films were the best movies ever made. I really like action movies. I refuse to watch horror films.
I HATE REALITY TELEVISION!! But I love Raymond, CSI: Miami, The Golden Girls, & That 70's Show. I also think 2.5 Men is pretty funny.
Dean Koontz; Anne Rice; Harry Potter; Hafiz; Barbara Kingsolver; Sue Monk Kidd; Alice Hoffman; ...
Michelle Rodriguez, Trinity, Bonnie & Clyde, Aeon Flux, Beatrix Kiddo, Aragorn, Elle Woods, Cameron Diaz, Bill & Ted, Harry Potter (as in "What would Harry Potter do?"), & CSI Callie D.