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The One Foundation

About Me

"The One Foundation is the physical and metaphysical Incorporation of the Universe Itself." -Charles Vincent Davis, A.T.O.M.
It is to this platfom of "The One Foundation" that one of my most revered teachers and dearest friends, Charles Vincent Davis, A.T.O.M. ("After The Order of Melchizedek") invites all who are ready to share the experience of BEING "upon" THAT which we all over-stand with under-standing. Those who persue careful examination of this, "The One Foundation", will discover it to be not only descriptive of where all Sons and Daughters of God are; it is simultaneously descriptive of who and what we are, as Sons and Daughters of God. I have found its study to be illuminating, Self-affirming and, in short, healing All-The-Way-Through. BTW, I'm really just a wise guy , and I'm currently the one managing this MySpace page, at least until I can convince Charles to take up the reigns himself. In the mean time, Charles has authorized me to post some of his work.
I first met Charles on my birthday in the year 2000. I had been driving for many days and his first words to me after the intial greeting were "Why don't you go take a shower? You smell like a goat." I liked him right away. Though he didn't require special senses to detect my man-made musk upon that initial meeting, I soon came to appreciate not only his spiritual sensitivity, but also his wonderful ability to translate profound spiritual realization into words and music. The music posted above are some samples of musical "audits" he made for me. (At that point I was going by the spiritual name "Kivana".) Charles made them for me, and I share them with you not only to point out the lovely fellow he is; I do this to thank him by sharing his artistry. I do apologize for the low fidelity of the recordings, which were recorded live on a boom box. Better recordings will be posted when made available. I have posted some of his writings in the blog associated with this MySpace profile. It is my hope to gradually post his writings in blog format that I may share what I feel is some of the "highest" teaching available in verbal format. They literally (and ever so gently) attune the reader to incredibly "High" spaces.
For a sample of his teachings, listen to the following lessons...

My Interests


Member Since: 14/07/2006
Influences: 1. The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. The Twelve Foundation Stones of the Heavenly Jeru-Salem. The Golden Cosmic Cube (the three-fold square) and The Pearly Gates. The Use of Crystals and the Amplification of Consciousness. The Search for the Holy Grail. The Central Grail Of Light. The Chalice Self.

2. The Earth-Moon Color System. The Initiations of Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Wood. The Order of the Circle and the Square. The Organic Molecule and Color. The Rainbow. The Meaning of Flowers related to Color. Your Colors and why? Color and Psychology. Color and Children. Color and the Business World.

3. The Mantel of the Sun and The Nine Planetary Color Systems. The Solar Initiations. The Angelic Choirs and Color Systems. The White Brotherhood. The Harp of David, and Joseph's Robe of Many Colors. The Anna Corona. The Open Lighted Way of Illumination. Breathing and Walking in the Sun. Standing on the Green.

4. Color and Art. Artists and their Colors. Color and Sound, frequency, harmonics, and resonance. Color and Aroma. Lighting and Mood. The Meaning of Colors related to Emotions. Color, Poetry and Music. Color and Consciousness in the Symphonies of Beethoven and Gustav Mahler and the works of Scriabin, Satie and Debussy.

5. The Aura. The Temple of Light. The Inner and Outer Aura (seven-fold) and The Gold-White Heart Center. The Char-ak-ras or Wheels of Light. The Ten Sephora of the Qabbalah. The Physics of Light. Healing with Light and Color. Dining with Color. The Human Voice and Color.

6. The Four Main Color Celebrations of the Solar Year. The Open Lighted Cross. The Solstices (Dec. 22 and June 22) and the Equinoxes (March 21 and Sept. 23). The Colors of Christmas, Easter and All Hallows Eve. Other Color Celebrations.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Radiant Self-Understanding

Radiant Self-Understanding   The Meaning and Function of Color   In Us and Around Us   (being an excerpt from "The One Foundation" by Charles Vincent Davis, A.T.O.M. Dedicated to All St...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 16:34:00 GMT