i'm technically and pragmatically a hobbit. i love to converse with friends over coffee or beer, thank shit don't have that smukely beer belly yet! hate smokes and fumes from PUV's. i'm into environmental preservation. i support the clean air act. if i become a constituent of any of our gawd dammeeet presidentiables, the clean air act is my ultimate rallying thingy. don't you just hate the state of air in Manila? hell, if i was just filthy rich, probably evacuate/migrate immediately to the netherlands or new zealand or some place else with cleeeaan (inhale) air (exhale). aww the aspen air! nuf nuf nuf. let's go to the fun part. i'm a righteous person primarily because of the upbringing thing BUT when kinda unrestrained, i can be aggressive! that's the fun part! don't we people just like fellow people who are upfront kinda BORIES but actually they're not when you get to know them nuf? i'm kinda like that. snooty, that's what they say. but i do smile too, well, only to people who smile at me....mwahahaha!