Please, Do Not Pet the Negro profile picture

Please, Do Not Pet the Negro

About Me

In the sixth grade I wanted a Jheri Curl and only the good Lord knows why, or for that matter why my own mother -- the one who is supposed to shield, protect, and guide my decisions -- would allow such an abomination to take place with my hair. I look back on the year and a half I spent with a Jheri Curl with deep regret and shame. I remember wanting to look like Ola Ray -- Michael Jackson's love interest from the "Thriller" video, but things didn't quite turn out that way with my hair-do. I looked more like Michael Evans, J.J.'s brother from Good Times. Not only was getting a Jheri Curl an extensive process to endure in the beauty shop; it was a pain in the neck to maintain. Squirting activator on my head every couple of hours or so to keep my "do" moist was taxing on me, and my mother's pillowcases. To this day you will never catch me in a clear plastic shower cap.Through the decades my hair has undergone some pretty radical changes. Over twenty years of hot combs, DAX hair grease, Luster's Pink Lotion, ponytails, lye and no lye perms and relaxers, weaves, cornrows, activator, gel, sleeping in rollers, blow dryers with comb attachments, banana clips, finger waves, strawberry, and pineapple waves.Approximately 10 years of my childhood were lost to spending marathon hours in a beauty shop under hooded dryers that temporarily made me deaf and forced me to read the lips of gossiping women. Although my hair was ever changing, the curiosities of white people have always remained a constant. No matter what my hair was doing, I could always count on someone asking me the ill-fated question, "Do you mind if I touch?" (to continue essay go to "Blog Entries")

My Blog

"A Plastic Bag Is a Terrible Thing To Waste"

My mother has a monkey on her back. She's addicted to plastic bags. She's not particularly attached to the plastic bags you have to purchase, but she favors the free ones you get at the grocery stor...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 01:40:00 GMT

The Wiz

A few scenes from one of my all time favorite movies, The Wiz starring Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Nipsey Russell, Lena Horne, and Richard Pryor."You Can't Win"Michael Jackson's performance as the Sc...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 23:35:00 GMT

Ego Trippin On Scrabble (there may be a reason why)

There are two games you can’t fade me on, that’s Centipede and Scrabble. I’m not just good at Scrabble... I have a gift. When I warn people of my Scrabble skills my words are often ...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 02:42:00 GMT

James Brown Had That Good Hair

"Hair is the first thing and teeth the second.  Hair and teeth.  A man got those two things, he's got it all."  - James Brown   Like Samson in the Bible, James Brown's hair was h...
Posted by on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:40:00 GMT

Please, Do Not Pet the Negro essay 'cont...

Born in the 1970s, (busted, I lied about my age) I came out of my mother's womb with my hair already styled. I was born with an afro. My mother told me the hospital workers walked by the nursery and w...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 13:51:00 GMT