I'm the CEO of the Dynasty Investment Group. My believe is GOD give's us the ability to go out and gain WEALTH so why i'm here on this earth i plan to not waste time getting there.life is more than working for someone else for the rest of your life i believe in going after what i want in Business or Personal.i'm a big F1 race fan as well as CART. i can watch these drivers for hours racing @ 200mph and never get bored.also a LOYAL 30 year New York Yankee fan lose or win i will probably die with a Yankee jersey on.
I'm a big fan of the Godfather.i must have watch this movie at least 1000 times and everytime it gets better. also Batman i would love to live my life one day as a Billionaire with my own Gulfstream 550 Jet and a 20,000 square foot home
Think Like A Billionaire author Donald J Trump, Prince Alwaleed Businessman Billionaire Prince author Riz Khan