internet... current events... sports... sleeping... reading...playing volleyball... foods... clothes... anything PURPLE!!!! i've found a new interesting sport... its soccer baseball!!! i've learn to love soccer baseball... hmm...Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
people who are friendly and those who wanna be my friend!!!i also have a friendster account: [email protected]="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" src="
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any music will do as long as its not irratating to my eardrums...
armagedon, back to the future 1,2,3... birthday girl, miss congeniality, independence day, casper, mighty ducks 1,2,3... little mermaid 1 & 2, harry potter 1,2,3 & 4.... the core, what a girl wants, princess diaries, the passion of christ, freaky friday, school of rock, if only (the best love story ever!)i also love to watch air force one by harrison ford, united filght 93, coach carter, the lake house...
mtv punk'd, dismissed, the osbournes... 7th heaven, survivor all stars & pearl islands, gags just for laughs, exposed, ripley's believe it or not, popular, roswell, my girl, grey's anatomy, csi and deal or no deal!!! yeah!!!
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i love lippincott manual of nursing practice (very helpful to me), marieb's anatomy and pathopysiology book, NANDA, drug handbook, perry and potter's fundamental of nursing, stuart's psychiatric nursing book and black's medical - surgical book among others... hehehehe!!! no choice, i have to read those kinds of books...
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jose rizal, lapu-lapu... jesus christ.... president ramon magsaysay, ninoy aquino... blessed pedro calungsod... and ofcourse my parents...