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Anyone who is worth the meet,can play a role in my life
85 question Survey :)
About me (yes this is timed)
Start Time:: 10:34
Name:: candice
Nickname:: reeses
Zodiac:: pisces
Hair Color:: brown wit some brown streaks hidden
Eye color:: deep brown
Height:: 5'1
Fav. Color:: brown
Piercings:: top/bottom of ears
Birthplace:: hop-town,ky
Area Code:: 614
Siblings:: too personal
Have You ever...
cut your own hair?:: when i was younga(n it was a MESS!)
Did something in the past month that you regret?:: yea
Met someone that you weren't supposed to?:: no...
Kissed someone who wasn't your b/f or g/f?:: yea
Skipped school?:: naw,not technically....
Bungee Jumped?:: no but i would
Dumped someone?:: yea
Cheated on someone?:: NO
Been arrested?:: no
Broken into someones house?::
Won something?:: no
Been rejected?:: yea
Been to a funeral?:: yea
Used a lighter?:: yea
Been on stage?:: yea
Season:: fall
Food:: anything italian
Ice cream flavor:: cookies n cream
School subject:: english
Person:: jay
Number:: 7
Book:: a ladys night
Movie:: love and basketball
Song:: shawty
State:: va
Place:: mall
Sport to watch on TV:: basketball
Sport to play:: flag football
Band:: destinys child
Letter:: e
Fast food restaurant:: rallys
Disney Princess:: jasmine
TV Station:: lifetime/bet
Name for a son:: jeffrey,or???
Name for a daughter:: faythe
Do you perfer...
chocolate or vanilla?:: vanilla
alcohol or non?:: non
long relationships or one night stands?:: long relationships
dogs or cats?:: dogs
scary movies or comedies?: scary
short or long hair?:: medium
croutons or bacon bits?:: bacon bits
kissing or hugging: both
1st thing you think of when i say...
School:: long day ahead of me
Grass:: walk on the sidewalk
Cows:: u missed a spot
Canada:: bacon
In the past 2 days have you...
Watched a movie?:: yea
Talked on the phone?:: yea
Cried?:: naw
Threw up?:: no
Drank a glass of water?:: yea
Done drugs?:: no
Read a book or magazine?:: yea
Watched tv?:: yea
Looked in a mirror?:: yea
Taken a shower?:: yea
Taken a picture?:: yea
Listened to music?:: yea
Kissed someone?:: yea :)
Told someone you liked them?:: yea my bf
Chatted online?:: yea
Commented someone?:: yea
Made a new layout for your MySpace?:: naw
Bought something?:: yea
End time:: 10:44
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the color purple,crooklyn,pans laybrinth,the wood,love and basketball,conversations with god(very good movie)minor things,rain,acoptalypyo,waiting to exhale,fearless,seven sword, i like a variety of movies doesnt really matter as long as it can keep attention
MyHotCommentsgreys anatomy,real world,my wife and kids,making the band,bet,any cartoons,news(gotta stay up on top of things),exposed,xeffect
all zane books, god don't like ugly,flames a burning,satisfy my soul,loving you is wrong,i can do bad all by myself, top ways to keep a relationnship happy,being an idependent woman and the men who love them, so i told you so,chocolate
god, mother,aunts,grandmothers. any and everyone who has inspired me,pushed me to where i am today