I was born about 120 years too late. Then again, I wish I'd been around in the '60s. I'm a cool chic with ecclectic tastes. Steven King is my all time favorite author and his Dark Tower series are my favorite books. I suggest checking them out if you can wrap your mind around them. They're pretty trippy. Roland is the shit!
I love Korn and I love Elvis (the KING dammit!). I love Marilyn Manson and I love Led Zeppelin. If you want to know tons of little known and cared about facts, come to me! I would be a professional student if I were independantly wealthy, but alas, I am not. Right now I'm going to school for Pharmacy Tech. Gotta go get a "real job" and work for the 'Man' (DAMN THE MAN!)
I am a mother of a beau-T-ful 3 year old little girl named Mia (mee-ah not my-ah) and she is hell on wheels, but she is all entertainment all the time. I've learned that I am not a very patient person. As if I didn't know that already. hehe :)
I am a Creek Nation descendant and proud of it. *About my ancestors*If you got a problem with that then that IS your problem. My heritage is something that I want to learn more about and explore. I identify more with the Native American side than I do anything else. They're a proud people who we could all learn a thing or two from.
I will leave you with one more thing... if you're tired of having jackasses run our country then lets vote George Carlin into the White House!! CARLIN '08!!!!