Adventure, Cook(Pasta, Appetizer, Main Course, Soup, Anyting!), Dragons, Martial Arts, Mythology, Nature, Sports (Badminton, Basketball, Billiards, Chess, Volleyball... Name it!) Write/Compose (Poems, Stories, Songs)...
People who are unique! ... Imperfection will forever exist in this imperfect world that we live in... Imperfection makes people unique... If everyone is perfect, then no one is unique; but then again, perfection is in the eye of the unless you're a clone... that means you! Yes YOU... no kidding... :)
Sentimental musics and some others...
A Knight's Tale, Brotherhood of The Wolf, Dragon Heart, Gladiator, Pirates of the Carribean, Saving Private Ryan, Star Wars, Starship Troopers, The Lord of The Rings, The Musketeers...
Andromeda, Beastmaster, Conan, C.S.I., GTO, Highlander, Hercules, JAG, Stargate SG-1...
Beowulf, Chicken Soup for The Soul (most of it anyway!), Harry Potter, Iliad, LOTR, The Divine Comedy...
Me, myself and I!!! Oh and I almost forgot, Dragons!