Renaissance Movement is a ministry that God birthed through Nigel Anderson a.k.a Legin. Not entirely sure what it was supposed to be, Legin was obedient in pursuing it full time and following God's directions. The faith walk required to build the foundation of Renaissance Movement was in no wise an easy journey, but God has provided every step of the way. Now the doors are literally being flung wide open!
Renaissance Movement is a ministry team that consists of those anointed to deliver the word of God in any circumstance. Comprised of true ministers who only want to uplift the Kingdom of God, who are strengthened by Christ Jesus, and guided and taught daily by the Holy Spirit. The frontline ministry team consists of Legin, DJ Lyfe, Quest, L.A.W., John Doe, and Christian who use rap and untraditional, uncompromised preaching as a means to reach the ears of them who have a willingness to hear.
Renaissance Movement Enterprises, LLC is an organization focused on moving forward in the things of Jesus. R.M.E., LLC is pioneering the "C317 Skate Night" series! These events are focused around the theme of Col. 3:17 - "Whatever you do... do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus!" Be sure to make it out to our upcoming C317 Skate Night!
It is time for a rebirth in the movement of God's people and to realize that this is the chosen generation spoken of in 1 Peter 2:9! That this generation has been groomed by God to make a difference in this world and to bring Him the honor and glory that He so richly deserves! For information about organizing an event, booking, preaching engagements, production, or for prayer do not hesistate to contact us at anytime at
[email protected]! God bless you all!
Pres. of Renaissance Movement Ent.
[email protected]