I love cars, Music, Girls, video games, football, basketball. Etc. `
I would like to meet alot of people. First and Foremost i would love to meet the man who invented the PICKLE. cause that would be neat Inside joke... Honestly thought Robert Frost would be cool, or Hemmingway , Darwin, Aristotle, Tom Clancy, Neal Cavudo, Frankie, um Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Zei Dong, Suddam Hussein, Stalin, Lenin, Idd just love to get into their minds and see it form their point of view, Some of My heros that i would like to meet would probably be Eisenhower, Truman, Churchill, Tracey McGrady, i don’t know a lot more people i just don’t feel like typing Them out OMG im an idiot i almost forgot one of the most important and influential people in my life DANE COOK
Just about everything. ive started to divuldge in Techno... dunno why music intrests me
EVERYONE EVER MADE.... i love war movies or anyhting with a good story or moral.
HEROES, Rob and BIG and then whatever else is on
Anything by Dean Koontz, Eric Nullyd, Tom calncy
Dane cook.
Waittttttt.... I hear a car.... Good for you, youll hear alot of those as you go through your life.. if you hear a hump back wale tell me cause that would be wierd....
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