If You Had Robot Ears You Would profile picture

If You Had Robot Ears You Would

Shut Your Lips and Learn. Douche box

About Me

Well Considering I’ve never really been into my space I’ve decided to finally fill in my about me section, The Names Robert Andrew Svobodny I was born and raised in Shakopee Minnesota When I was about 15 years old I moved to Geneva Switzerland and attended an international school there. For 3 years I lived with my father in Geneva before returning to the USA to Attend College. I’ve got many goals in life, all which are easily reachable. I plan on doing many things with my life, some people say I have an overactive imagination, I just think they don’t care to dream big. I love cars, I love going fast in cars, I love racing, I love video games, I love my friends, I love to help people, anyone who needs help should not be afraid to ask for it I’m here to help anyone. There are a couple people in my life that I would full Heartedly give my life for, they mean more to me then anything in the world, I don’t where my emotions on my sleeve, and i hide a lot of my fear and anger with sarcasm, I love being funny even if i go over the top sometimes ill do just about anything to get a smile out of somebody, I’m also not afraid of getting naked if it gets a smile out of somebody then I’m all for it.... I think a lot.... and i mean a lot.... I always wonder about what would happen if things happened differently. I always over think things be it about movies, life anything with a story or a direction i seem to think about it, most people don’t realize this about me, I seem like an average person but underneath I’m really thinking and analyzing just about anything and everything. I find living in a different country really changes you, its makes you appreciate what you had before and what you have now. my life is complicated, I’m a complicated person, I live life to the fullest even if that means sleeping in tell 2 in the afternoon and doing nothing all day. I love my life even if i would change a crap load of it. Well I’m done for now maybe ill update more later... you never now bored pushes people to do drastic things.... Peace and love Switz Rob Naked and The PicklesMyspace Layouts

My Interests

I love cars, Music, Girls, video games, football, basketball. Etc. `

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet alot of people. First and Foremost i would love to meet the man who invented the PICKLE. cause that would be neat Inside joke... Honestly thought Robert Frost would be cool, or Hemmingway , Darwin, Aristotle, Tom Clancy, Neal Cavudo, Frankie, um Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Zei Dong, Suddam Hussein, Stalin, Lenin, Idd just love to get into their minds and see it form their point of view, Some of My heros that i would like to meet would probably be Eisenhower, Truman, Churchill, Tracey McGrady, i don’t know a lot more people i just don’t feel like typing Them out OMG im an idiot i almost forgot one of the most important and influential people in my life DANE COOK


Just about everything. ive started to divuldge in Techno... dunno why music intrests me


EVERYONE EVER MADE.... i love war movies or anyhting with a good story or moral.


HEROES, Rob and BIG and then whatever else is on


Anything by Dean Koontz, Eric Nullyd, Tom calncy


Dane cook. Waittttttt.... I hear a car.... Good for you, youll hear alot of those as you go through your life.. if you hear a hump back wale tell me cause that would be wierd....

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