hey, the names grace.
it doesn't matter if you don't like how you look as long as everyone else does!
i love roller coaster rides
music keeps my heart beating.
You'll be singing a different tune as you're being
swallowed by a black hole.
What CAN .. go wrong WILL go wrong
I love to draw and read
Has god knows how many piercings, where you say? Use your imagination.
cut yourself open and sew yourself shut.
Shakespeare was brilliant.
Hath my heart loved till now, For swear it's sight, for i have never seen true beauty till this night
Doubt tho, the stars are fire
Doubt tho, the sun doth move
Doubt truth to be a liar
But never doubt that i love
curiosity isn't the right word but its the first that comes to mind
Do I sound cool? Add me
you know what FUCK MSN!