So what is there to say bout me. Well, in a world full of wonder and beauty I feel very trapped in a town which has neither of these. If I was to have only one dream it would be to visit the world. I've been to Australia, France and Italy. Every other country in the world seems to have something to offer, and England is just piss-poor. I like going into London, its busy and bustling and I love that. I have a soft, lazy side too which means I enjoy doing nothing a lot too though.. If theres something out there worth seeing or doing I'm up for it. And I have a distinct feeling these something's are out in the rest of the world. I hope my mumbling has sort of convinced you of my dream to travel. That's my ambition at the moment anyway.
I love looking through old photo albums. Memories can be warped over time but as they say, 'a photograph can tell a thousand words'. I've always been interested in photography, and I have my own album up on this site at the moment- I'm expecting it to grow. And when I have a bit more money, and start to travel the world, my photos will be the breadcrumbs of my life so to speak. :my deviantART page:
I don't mind anybody adding me, I don't add bands though really so don't bother. Anywayz.. thats pretty much it, ta! I'm nice honest.<<3