I enjoy origami very much. Below I will have links to some great origami websites I've come across lately. One of my favorites for modulars is this Meenakshi Mukerji's website. Feel free to comment or send me some new links!
To Laura, I cannot reply to your message because it keeps giving me an error message. I believe you may have to add me to your friends first.
However, I believe you are looking for the Frisbee Star by Rick Beech. I've made that one many times and it's a good one! I'd love to give you more advice. Send me a friend request if you can. Thanks - Heather.
#3)Jumping Frog
#4)Origami Club - Lots of easy models to choose from!
#1)Arrow Puzzle
#3)Money Gift Box
#4)Money Shirt
#1)Boat Box
#2)Oxi Module
#3)Pine Cone
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