Japan, magic shows, origami, mazes, ice cream vans, coney island fairgrounds, candy floss, rainbow colours, colours that clash, chance meetings, silly things that make me laugh, secret passages, sparkle, vintage barbie, shiny objects, characters, dreams, the little things, surprises, diamonds, secrets, hand written letters, hugs, the sea, the sky, glamorous parachuting
Madonna Barbie
Uploaded by rowenatrue Dress up/No-one (version 1)
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Lizzy Mercier Descloux, Altered Images, Dana & Siriusmo, Stereo Total, Bridget Bardot, Sylvie Vartan, Francoise Hardy, Bjork, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Zongamin, CSS, Phillip Glass, Rodriguez, Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen,yodelling Rex Griffin 'you gotta go to work', Ennio Morricone,..
The Happy Prince, Norwegian Wood, Short Stories and The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami, A Doubtful Guest by Edward Gorey, House Of Leaves by Mark Danielewski, The Melancholy death of Oyster Boy by Tim Burton.