I'd like to meet Hank Williams,Steve Earle,Don Walker they are my favourite song writers all simple stuff that gets straight to the point they dont write mushy stuff either.Musically I'd like to meet Bill Black,Elvis's bass player,Dorsey Burnette he played slap bass in his brothers band The Johnny Burnette rock n roll trio and of course Willy Dixon the great Blues bass player and songwriter.Bill Stuve,Keith Ferguson,Ronnie James,Willie Dixon,I met Lee Rocker at a festival and lent him my bass, and anyone who plays the double bass (and a bit of electric) who likes a beer and to talk large amounts of bullshit. Oh yeah and John Howard our illustrious now ex Prime Minster just to tell him what a brown nosing goose he is.I'm glad we were all smart enough to vote him out.I've never met anyone who admits they voted for him.Maybe I move in the wrong circles.