Lucky Chameleon aka Ringlet profile picture

Lucky Chameleon aka Ringlet

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Bin beruflich selbstständig als Musiker, freier WDR Redaktionsmitarbeiter und mit einem Klamottenladen in Siegen, also meine Jobs und Freunde (bei und mit denen ich mich großartig aufgehoben und supported fühle...) sind sehr von Interesse! ...beeing a part of something very cool!!!! Ansonsten gernST gesellig und partyESK ... unterwegs. ...Nach fast 10 Jahren Kölle nun wieder in Siegen beheimatet.
I am working as a musican (studio & live) for over 16 years now, I am also a free editorial journalist for the WDR in Cologne. And finaly since june I own my first rock..n roll and punkwear store in Siegen. So time is rare but I work with great people...big pleasure for me! After 10 years in Cologne I am now living in Siegen again... more to come!!
PLZ. Add "The Ringlets Trio" Profil too, you will find it in my friendlist!!!thx!

Mambo&Tequila-The Ringlets Trio

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That..s What-The Ringlets Trio

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My Interests

* My Friends and da Familia !
* Our Shop and Studio
* My Bands
* Old School-New School-My School
* Music
* Tattoos
* ...

I'd like to meet:

CoolSTERS, Nice Ones..., people who can roll with my arrangement...


**Rockabilly**Psychobilly**Ultra Trash**Alles aus jeder Garage**Western Swing**Jazz**Rock..n Roll from then till now!**


Horror, Trash, House Of The 1000 Corpses, Clerks die Ladenhüter, Mallrats, Sin City, Ford Fairlaine, Fear and Loathing Las Vegas, Der blutige Pfad Gottes ...
Godzilla, Tarantino, Marvel Stuff,
...and one of my all time favorites: "Cry Baby" ... of course...there are....many more...


There is no time for zapping these days!


Momentan in Arbeit: Buch der Namen

Kürzlich gelesen:
- Gnossis - Der Zweite Schöpfer - Anubis - Scriptum - Dan Brown Kram
- Das Jesus Video
- Ice Station
- Solo Album (mal wieder)
- ...


- My dog...he really stays with me!
...also my good friends... !!!!
- My gone girl friends...they at least... stay... ;-P
- Ma and Grandma Woller...+1994 & +2006 all they had, they gave !