Outdoors stuff like camping and hiking, hanging out with my friends and loved ones, saving the universe
Oprah, Reese Witherspoon, that guy from Prison Break :) And on a more serious note, my paternal grandmother who passed away from Multiple Sclerosis, before I was born.
Well, just about everything, except COUNTRY! I'm especially good at remembering the words to 90's rap/hip-hop music. Latest CD--The Trinity by Sean Paul
Anything with Adam Sandler, especially Wedding Singer, Big Daddy, Happy Gilmore; Garden State, too many more to think of!! Latest favs--Little Miss Sunshine, Departed
Pretty much hooked on Grey's Anatomy...still watch E.R too. Prison Break has been good. Into LOST too, thanks to Shaun.
House of God--pretty true to life and really has nothing to do with religion, in case you were wondering!
My Mom, aka Big Goodie--you'll never meet anyone nicer!! (P.S. she's not really BIG though)