Mr Ghostdog profile picture

Mr Ghostdog

I am here for Friends

About Me

Metal is my chosen narcotic...

You are Nazi Deathcamp Scientist
Josef Mengele

You are strange and considerably fucked up in the head. You are mean as hell and have no conscience whatsoever. You are as intelligent as you are evil. Sadism is your cup of tea.

You are one sick bastard.

[ find out which Nazi Bastard you are ]

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My Interests

Being socially animalistic, Drinking, smoking, sitting down, playing bass.

I'd like to meet:

Fidel castro, The Muffin Man, The lead singer of the South London Pistons, Ken Livingstone, Ross kemp.


METAL! Blues! Is there anything else? Too many bands to mention everybody; Clutch, 100 demons, ACDC, The South London Pistons, Lamb of God, Hundred reasons, One Minute Silence, Terror, The Haunted, Take That, Iron Maiden, RL Burnside.


Withnail & I, Training day, Zulu, Ghostdog.


Dog the bounty hunter, Dirty Sanchez.


Authors; Paulo Cohelo, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Hemmingway, Ducasse, Spinoza, Louis DeBernieres. LOTS of others!


Dog the bounty hunter, Ross Kemp, Richie 'Wookie' Walden, Gary 'Carsick' Charlick, Fidel castro.

My Blog

Enlighten me!

go on...enlighten me.... so your on my friends I want to know 20 things about you. :)fill away amigos..1.Your Full Name:2. Age:3. Single or Taken:4. Favourite Movie:5. Favourite Song:6. Fa...
Posted by Mr Ghostdog on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 12:31:00 PST


Everybody!   been a bit quiet on the old gayspace of late.   I am still alive! Just started a new job & have been being good & keeping my head down. Nobody panic, I haven't gone stra...
Posted by Mr Ghostdog on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:09:00 PST

I am trying to give up smoking..

Read the subject line.I have nothing to say other than smoking is cool & I have my reasons for giving up so no one question me. I am having rage attacks, shakes & am unable to concentrate on a...
Posted by Mr Ghostdog on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 10:44:00 PST


I sprained my wrist this morning getting out of bed. It wasn't, contrary to public belief (or any rumour my esteemed mentor Tony may start) a wanking accident. These days I confine my wanking to bus j...
Posted by Mr Ghostdog on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:12:00 PST

Ghostdog aquitted!

..> Ghostdog in the clear.. Everybody!I am no longer a rapist rent boy! My short lived gangsta career is over & my temporary criminal record has been restored to its rightful owner!Congratulat...
Posted by Mr Ghostdog on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 08:15:00 PST

I am a rent boy apparently.

..> What the fuck??? In the last three days...Have not been paid my salary.Criminal injuries people will not pay me out because of my 'extensive' criminal record.9 counts of rape.3 of male solicita...
Posted by Mr Ghostdog on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 02:15:00 PST

Kebabs & Pies

Picture to follow....   Tony has spotted near his crib a new fast food outlet called... 'John Ford Kebabs & Pies..'   I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone know that it i...
Posted by Mr Ghostdog on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 08:00:00 PST

Young bull, old bull.

As told by everybodys mentor, The Silver Fox...   2 Bulls in the top field, looking down on the bottom field full of cows. Young bull says, "lets run down there & fuck one of the cows.." Old ...
Posted by Mr Ghostdog on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 03:31:00 PST