I think I'm pretty goofy, but accd'g to my friends i'm SERIOUS?! I love to overload myself with activities & work..till I run myself down, i'll whine and complain, but at the same time the pressure and stress fuels me. i refuse to settle..i know what i want and i'll go and get it or wait till the timing is right and hopefully it knocks me down and captures me. i love animals..the four-legged kind are my passion, sometimes i think i'd rather deal with them than the two-legged ones. almost pursued veterinary studies only to find out in the middle of it all that i can't stand holding bloody organs and euthanizing doggies. i like to talk & tell stories (with added impersonations)...i think i could carry on a conversation for hours.. yeah, ask my friends.. they've gotten an ear full over the many wonderful years of friendship.