HISTORY of the SONS OF ZODIAC MCNational is : Sundance, Vice National is: Big Worm, National Sgt At Arms is: Fantasy, National Treasurer is: NightRider, National Secretary is: FoxFire.We the SONS OF ZODIAC MC were formed in 1973 in Detroit, Mi., this is where our Mother Chapter is. From Detroit we went north to branch out in Flint, Mi., our next conquest was further north to Saginaw, Mi., from there we went far east to New York, N.Y., we then went south to Indiana where we started the Indianapolis, In., chapter. A couple of years later we started the Grand Rapids, Mi. chapter. Back to Indiana we go, and the Marion, In. chapter was formed. Not to long after Marion, In., got started we went north east to Toledo, Oh.. After Toledo was up an going we went west to Elgin, Il.. We now turned and went back to the east coast to Dale City, Va.. Our next turn took us south to Memphis Tn. chapter. And on December 6, 2004 we traveled south east to opened up the Plant City, Fla. Chapter. We have a saying which goes ( if we ain't in your nighborhood now, we soon will be). We are heading your way. DETROIT WHAT !!!100%
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